What's for Dinner Saturday September 19, 2009?

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
We are having friends over, (these guys will eat ANYTHING;)) and will serve some chevon salisbury steaks of sorts, smothered in Kadesmas' onion gravy, some fresh garlicked, (I mince the garlic and add it at the end with the butter, sour cream and s&p) mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli, and the Almond and Semolina pudding which is really a cake:)

What's happening at your place?
Beth, your potatoes sound yummy!:)

It is a very blustery day here today so I think for our main meal at noon (on days DH is working) I will do beef dip and probably more french fries as the fryer hasn't been emptied from last night and the oil is still good. That is always a hit around here.

Then for actual dinner Dad and I will eat light, probably sausage rolls and salad.
I'm fighting off virus #3 in our house right now. So far I've won the battle against the last two that made the rounds. I'm going to garlic this sucker into submission tonight. GIANT caesar salad, pork tenderloin (generously rubbed with garlic and cracked pepper before grilling), baked taters on the BBQ and all the leftover baking for dessert.
I think we'll do mexican tonight. I have a bunch of flour tortillas so will make a meat filling and then let the toppings be done individually.
My dear Ms M, isn't that what you have said for three days now? :LOL::LOL:
YES!! and no one will let me have it!! last night i said the heck with it if you don't want what i want to cook for dinner make yourselves some tuna salad sammies!! i made myself a meal mom used to make just for MYSELF. i ate and remembered mom. they had tuna salad!!
Hi everyone :) Sorry I haven't been around for a while but we had an unexpected trip to St Petersburg, Russia courtesy of Ellen's mum and then some friends from England visited us so not had much time for visiting the site. I'm back now though and looking forward to seeing all your great culinary delights :D

Today I cooked some meat stuffed canneloni with cheese and tomato sauce.


Today was a working around the house day so I am cooking up a pot of
Beef Mushroom Barley Soup and we'll have that with a fresh French baguette and butter.
Hi everyone :) Sorry I haven't been around for a while but we had an unexpected trip to St Petersburg, Russia courtesy of Ellen's mum and then some friends from England visited us so not had much time for visiting the site. I'm back now though and looking forward to seeing all your great culinary delights :D

Today I cooked some meat stuffed canneloni with cheese and tomato sauce.


NICE TO SEE YOU BACK!! you have missed some good dinners!!

your canneloni looks fantastic!!
Breakfast for Dinner:

Perfectly poached eggs (cooked in poach pods), fried potatoes and onions, breakfast sausage and buttered rye toast.


Looks wonderful, Ms M, except for one thing - I can not eat (or even look at) runny eggs. It is a texture thing for the eating (gag reflex). Restaurants have refused to make my eggs benny (which I love) with hard poached so I usually save it for eating at home! I know, I am a little weird! :whistling
NICE TO SEE YOU BACK!! you have missed some good dinners!!

your canneloni looks fantastic!!

Thanks, it's good to be back :D I'll be catching up with all the good dinners don't worry :)

Breakfast for Dinner:

Perfectly poached eggs (cooked in poach pods), fried potatoes and onions, breakfast sausage and buttered rye toast.



Oh I just love poached eggs! Poached eggs on toast in the morning for breakfast with a nice cup of coffee :)
Thanks, it's good to be back :D I'll be catching up with all the good dinners don't worry :)

Oh I just love poached eggs! Poached eggs on toast in the morning for breakfast with a nice cup of coffee :)
i love poached eggs also. i love these poach pods!! they are fantastic!!

Looks wonderful, Ms M, except for one thing - I can not eat (or even look at) runny eggs. It is a texture thing for the eating (gag reflex). Restaurants have refused to make my eggs benny (which I love) with hard poached so I usually save it for eating at home! I know, I am a little weird! :whistling
thank you sweetie!! to me runny means slimy uncooked egg whites. these had wonderfully perfect whites and yolks. i wish i could have just yolks to dip in!! LOL what do they do with the yolks from all the egg white scrambles and omlets? i want them cooked soft and UNBROKEN!! :LOL:
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