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salt and pepper

Executive Chef
Jun 13, 2011
I started yesterday with canned jellied cranberry sauce. Her is my plan:

Nope, I just need to get started on Tuesday to make sure things are thawed and get my stock started.
I've deconstructed an ingredients turkey. I roasted the bones and parts and made a stock for gravy, stuffing and pilaf.

Just got back from grocery shopping and will do an action plan this afternoon for what gets done when.

I finally broke down and bought a frozen turkey, I just can't resist the deals once the turkey wars start!

I will take it out of the freezer tomorrow morning so it can thaw slowly in the refrigerator. The cooking/prep work will start on Wednesday, with cranberry sauce, a batch of mayonnaise and a couple of other small jobs.

I bought a can of Fosters beer, I want to see if I can roast my turkey on a beer can this year. I'm not sure if my little turkey will be too tall for my oven. If it is I can always go to plan B, sometimes it seems like my whole life has been plan Bea! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
If it doesn't fit, Aunt Bea, you can always use the beer as a braising liquid. It will make fantastic drippings for gravy.

In fact, I'd suggest you try this instead of your idea. It will be worth it just for the incredible drippings. Trust me, beer as the braising liquid, makes a great gravy.

I just tested the jar of olives I bought for the meal and I may have to try a few more. Nicely spicy, caperberries, sweet peppers and 4 types of olives, red wine brined.
If it doesn't fit, Aunt Bea, you can always use the beer as a braising liquid. It will make fantastic drippings for gravy.

In fact, I'd suggest you try this instead of your idea. It will be worth it just for the incredible drippings. Trust me, beer as the braising liquid, makes a great gravy.


Maybe I'll split it with the turkey! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
You should have bought a 6 pack. Then you'd have plenty on hand and the turkey could have had a whole one.

You cracked me up!:ROFLMAO:
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I just tested the jar of olives I bought for the meal and I may have to try a few more. Nicely spicy, caperberries, sweet peppers and 4 types of olives, red wine brined.

Everyone knows a good chef always tastes the food before they serve it to their guests. Taste away! :angel:
I've pre- made my turkey wing stock for stuffing and gravy, that's as far as I'll go until the day before. Bought the turkey today and it'll doing its thaw thing.

My laptop is having issues and it'll be in the computer hospital till Monday. I'm on my phone and having a tough time posting so I probably won't be back until m9n night. Ugh. It's taken me 10 min to post this and try to correct the errors. Lol
I made stock from turkey wings for gravy (made turkey noodle soup with the meat) and, since we're having Thanksgiving at my mom's, I made a lot. I'll be making a T-day meal redux for us at home later. I may have over-reduced it a bit! I simmered it for about six hours, I think. Oh well, I'm sure we'll eat it! ;)


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Got our fresh turkey yesterday. Thawed out some turkey parts, they are in the fridge, ready to go. I had the parts (gizzards, necks and hearts). They might be from last Christmas? Not sure, but they smell and look great. I will roast them with carrots, onions, garlic and celery before I make stock.
Tomorrow during the football games, I will simmer the stock. I have a nice bunch of fresh parsley too.
I will use the stock for gravy and for stuffing. I will use the turkey drippings in the gravy along with the stock, but plan to make my stuffing ahead of time.
I want this to be easy and know damn well it will be plenty work. PLENTY!

Honest. I hate the holidays.
RB, if you have fresh thyme, that would be good in the stock, too. Also, you can just use the parsley stems in the stock and save the leaves for another dish. Learned that in culinary school ;)
I made stock from turkey wings for gravy (made turkey noodle soup with the meat) and, since we're having Thanksgiving at my mom's, I made a lot. I'll be making a T-day meal redux for us at home later. I may have over-reduced it a bit! I simmered it for about six hours, I think. Oh well, I'm sure we'll eat it! ;)

Anytime we get invited to Thanksgiving somewhere else, I cook the whole shebang a day or two later, it wouldn't be thanksgiving to me without leftovers! That and when we would go to his mother's, she'd cook the turkey too early and too long completely unseasoned served cold, most of the veg was canned as was the gravy. Once Rob had a real thanksgiving with some effort put into it, that wouldn't do.
I probably need to up my game and make some turkey stock in advance like y'all! I've got two cartons of turkey stock in the pantry, so that'll do this year.

I've baked the bread for the stuffing so it should be good and stale by Thursday. I'll make my cranberry pear sauce on Monday or Tuesday, pies on Wednesday and get the turkey in the brine. From there it'll be smooth sailing making sides and potato rolls on Thursday

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So far I I've made jellied cranberry sauce, cherry vanilla ice cream, oyster shooters and 2 pan's of cranberry,sausage,apple & mushroom stuffing and just pulled creme brulee out of the oven.


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