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    • rodentraiser
      Jeez, Casey, that's the sort of prank that should get you a medal. You need to brag about that one. *starts getting ideas...* Dragnlaw...
    • rodentraiser
      rodentraiser replied to the thread Garden 2024.
      Let's wait and see if the deer eat them. OK, garden season is officially started in the mouse family. 40 irises, 37 strawberry plants...
    • rodentraiser
      rodentraiser replied to the thread Garden 2024.
      OK, thanks! I know exactly what you're talking about now. The problem is, we had a windstorm again and some tree blossoms blew all over...
    • rodentraiser
      I read where you can pop regular popcorn in a paper bag in the microwave and I did that for a while, but I ended up with too many...
    • rodentraiser
      I'm afraid something like that would only get me on Cops if they were still doing the show, and then the camera would be on me being...
    • rodentraiser
      rodentraiser replied to the thread Garden 2024.
      What's a rhizome? Anyway, they're shallow planted. So shallow I could only spot a couple of them without walking all over the ground. I...
    • rodentraiser
      Well, I don't always have milk or eggs in the house. I don't drink milk myself and only use it for cooking, so when it comes to making...
    • rodentraiser
      I just made a tuna melt. I added Worcestershire sauce to the tuna as I heard how much it added to the flavor but I have to say, I didn't...
    • rodentraiser
      rodentraiser replied to the thread Garden 2024.
      Woohoo! I finally planted all 40 little iris bulbs today. Most of them had a green sprout on them, so I figured those were the leaves...
    • rodentraiser
      Veeery funny. LOL No, because I'm not sure it was pancake mix. I have the feeling you and dcSaute have the right idea. Oh, well, at...
    • rodentraiser
      No, I doubt they do, especially as I buy a lot of stuff from Winco.
    • rodentraiser
      rodentraiser replied to the thread Garden 2024.
      Well, it's tomorrow and I haven't done a thing, as usual. Amazing that anything I plant grows around here.
    • rodentraiser
      I don't need a list on my freezer door. Every time I open it everything falls out, either on my bare feet or on my head.
    • rodentraiser
      I've tasted all three and they all taste the same. Yucky. I know there's no rice flour because I've never bought that. I know there's...
    • rodentraiser
      Another ham salad. Or, in my case, some ham and dressing with a little lettuce. What? Someone's gotta eat that dressing before it goes bad!
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