Red Peppers, Eggplant, Kale

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Jul 5, 2013
I bought these items from the supermarket yesterday with no idea in my mind of what to make. I was at least going to roast the red peppers. Other than that I am not sure.

Any suggestions plus a protein? Thanks.
What is it with kale these days? When I was young it was only considered fit for cattle feed but it's been "discovered" and found a new career as a television personality.

When I was a member of the veg box scheme I used to get kale and did my best with it, using all sorts of recipes but never managed to make it edible. I eventually put it on my "No thank you" list. One of the very few veggies that I don't like.
I would make a simple baked version of eggplant parm, use the sweet red pepper in the tomato sauce.

I would cook the kale like spinach, very little water, lots of chopped garlic, crushed red pepper, a knob of butter and a splash of lemon juice or vinegar. If you want it to be the main attraction top it with a poached egg.

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