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Executive Chef
Jul 6, 2004
Copy and paste and finish the sentences.

1. The best day of the week for me is....

2. The best job I ever had was....

3. At a pot-luck, I'm always asked to bring my.....

4. Just for one day, I"ll love to trade places with....

5. The one thing I'll never do again....

6. The person I admire the most is....
1. The best day of the week for me is....Saturday

2. The best job I ever had was....Camp Counselor (got paid to sail and waterski and suntan among other things)

3. At a pot-luck, I'm always asked to bring my.....wife :-p

4. Just for one day, I"ll love to trade places with....My daughter

5. The one thing I'll never do again....Steal

6. The person I admire the most is....My grandfather. I hope I am half the man he is.
1. The best day of the week for me is.... Saturday

2. The best job I ever had was.... wife and mommy

3. At a pot-luck, I'm always asked to bring my..... Deviled eggs and clam chowder

4. Just for one day, I"ll love to trade places with.... I can't really think of anyone. I love my life.

5. The one thing I'll never do again... let any one hit me

6. The person I admire the most is.... my hubby. He can talk to anyone and always knows no matter what knows exactly what to say.
1. The best day of the week for me is.... Sunday

2. The best job I ever had was.... mom

3. At a pot-luck, I'm always asked to bring my..... suprising broccolli salad

4. Just for one day, I"ll love to trade places with.... one my dogs:LOL:

5. The one thing I'll never do oysters

6. The person I admire the most mom
1. The best day of the week for me is....a day with my family

2. The best job I ever had was....& is being a mom

3. At a pot-luck, I'm always asked to bring's kahlua mousse pie

4. Just for one day, I"ll love to trade places son, Aidan or a professional modern dancer

5. The one thing I'll never do guilt tripped by my dad

6. The person I admire the most is....dh, he has courage where I do not
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1. The best day of the week for me is....Friday (the whole weekend stretches ahead!).

2. The best job I ever had was....being Mom.

3. At a pot-luck, I'm always asked to bring my.....deviled eggs.

4. Just for one day, I"ll love to trade places with....some archeologist working on a dig in Egypt.

5. The one thing I'll never do again....let anyone verbally or emotionally abuse me!

6. The person I admire the most daughter! She is so together - in spite of me :LOL:
1. The best day of the week for me is....when everything goes smoothly!

2. The best job I ever had was....teaching 2nd grade.

3. At a pot-luck, I'm always asked to bring my.....charro beans (pinto bean soup)

4. Just for one day, I"ll love to trade places with....Tyler Florence (educated, awsome chef, tv show host and travels the world)

5. The one thing I'll never do again....get into so much debt.

6. The person I admire the most husband, he's my hero!
1. The best day of the week for me is.... Sunday, it is so peaceful and relaxing

2. The best job I ever had was.... when I worked on a forest fire lookout tower for the summer.

3. At a pot-luck, I'm always asked to bring my..... jambalaya or oriental meatballs

4. Just for one day, I"ll love to trade places with.... a five year old:)

5. The one thing I'll never do again.... eat calamari :sick:

6. The person I admire the most is.... Gifford Pinchot - the founder of the Forest Service
1. The best day of the week for me is.... sunday, my only day off.

2. The best job I ever had was.... dad, of course. lifeguard is second.

3. At a pot-luck, I'm always asked to bring my.....sausages and meatballs in garden style sauce

4. Just for one day, I"ll love to trade places with.... my wife.

5. The one thing I'll never do again.... i can't say it here.:angel: it involves video cameras, and 2 old girlfriends that hated each other...

6. The person(s) I admire the most is/are.... my parents__________________
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1. The best day of the week for me is....Wednesday. My only day off during the week, usually. I do all of my grocery-buying that day, and I have the markets mostly to myself

2. The best job I ever had was....the one I have now (I know, Cop-Out City). The restaurant is something I've wanted to do for most of my life

3. At a pot-luck, I'm always asked to bring my.....brie in phyllo, or garlic-scape potato salad. And my tranquilizer dartgun (we have some exciting parties around here)

4. Just for one day, I"ll love to trade places with....Brad Pitt (Angelina is SUCH A BABE!)

5. The one thing I'll never do again....there's a really long story behind this, involving furniture, household appliances, domestic animals, the Bristol-Myers Squibb Corporation, and assorted Pontiac automotive parts. So I'll just sum it up in one word: Tequila

6. The person I admire the most is....I could give a "gimme" answer and say "Jesus" or "Abraham Lincoln" or "Captain Kirk"; but in fact, at the moment, I think it's probably Brad Pitt. Angelina is SUCH A BABE!

--J crack me up!
1. The best day of the week for me is....Friday (there's nothing like that sweet feeling of knowing that you have the whole weekend ahead of you - awwwww)

2. The best job I ever had was....Wife, totally

3. At a pot-luck, I'm always asked to bring my.....Turkey pot pie, pear and pecan bread pudding and duchess potatoes

4. Just for one day, I"ll love to trade places with....I'll come clean and say it, I'd love to know what it feels like to be rich, so let's see if Donald or Bill would be up to taking on my role for a day (Okay, failing that I'd love to spend a day being one of the Beatles, or seeing the world through my mom's eyes)

5. The one thing I'll never do again....(Just one, hmmm) Be in an abusive relationship (big, big hugs to Pdswife & Callie, who said much the same thing)

6. The person I admire the most is....My mother, superheros have nothing on her strength and wisdome
1. The best day of the week for me is.... Thursday

2. The best job I ever had was.... Secretary

3. At a pot-luck, I'm always asked to bring my..... BLT dip

4. Just for one day, I"ll love to trade places with.... A celebrity, not sure which one yet

5. The one thing I'll never do again.... date Brian, or Geoerge

6. The person I admire the most is.... my mother
1. The best day of the week for me is....Sunday - the only day I get to wake up and spend the whole day with my hubby since he works Monday - Saturday

2. The best job I ever had was....Working in the paint department of Chase Pitkin (our local version of Home Depot) while a teenager/college kid

3. At a pot-luck, I'm always asked to bring my.....Eclair cake or taco dip

4. Just for one day, I"ll love to trade places with....My first instinct was to say someone rich or famous, but it would be too hard to go back to my regular I'll say my husband - just to see what its like to be a member of the opposite sex. Or maybe I'd pick my dog - she has the best life!

5. The one thing I'll never do again....Ride a roller coaster

6. The person I admire the most is....Oprah - I know its lame, but she rocks! She worked hard to get where she is and has overcame a lot. She gives back so much to others and seems to really care.

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