I am going to be a daddy again

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Hey, what's wrong with Kitty cat, I have one of those. My daughters are called Bubbala, Ketzala, Kachkala.

Be Shao Tova
Thanks again everyone!

Charlie we used to call Rach Bubbala, but we have changed it to Babeala :LOL:
I'm so excited for you and Mrs GB & RachelB!!!!

When I was pregnant we asked Aidan to think of a name for the baby he said he wanted to name him Manu Panini.:LOL: Where he got that, I don't know.

So, you guys are planning on finding out what you're having at the ultrasound?
corazon said:
he said he wanted to name him Manu Panini.:LOL: Where he got that, I don't know.

So, you guys are planning on finding out what you're having at the ultrasound?
That is hilarious. Where they come up with some of the things they say I will never know :LOL:

Yes we will definitely be finding out the sex as soon as we can!
wow!!! a huge hug, handshake, and congrats to you and your family, geebs.

and way to go, mrs. b!!!!!! :) :) :) :)

i'll do a special new jersey native fire dance so that you get a boy...

(there's a lot of swearing and honking horns and traffic because it always ends up raining for some strange reason ;) )
Wonderful news, GB! Congratulations to you and your family!! Boy or girl, it doesn't matter so long as the baby is healthy. As for names, how about having the initials D.C.?;)
Wahey, GB!!
Sorry I am so late on catching on with this big happy news, I am so thrilled for you all!! So Rachel is going to be a big sis, how cool is that!! My best wishes and hey, if the baby is due in September, there may be a chance of our sharing a birthday!!;)

Congratulations, and here's to the GB family...


Luvs and hugs, Charlie
Great news GB. Felicitations. I like the 'brothasista' answer by Rachel.It reminds me of a friend who came to me jumping up and down and told me she was so excited saying, 'I knew it, I knew it , she was either going to have a boy or a girl' She was talking about our headteacher then. I still think it was a joke.
Oh, GB! I am thrilled for you and the Missus!
My Grandparents asked their little girl (my aunt) what to name the soon-to-be-little-sis (my mom) and she wanted to call her "marshmallow".
Thank goodness kids don't name babies!

Here's my suggestion for a name:
Have you and your wife write down qualities & characteristics that you hope for your son or daughter.

Then, do a reverse baby name search (I'm sure that's out in cyber-world, somewhere)

Again, I am so excited for you two....no three...no FOUR!!! hooray!
(singing and dancing) yippeeee! a new DC baby, a new DC baby! Sincerest congrats! What wonderful news! WE NEED A COUNTDOWN CLOCK! Only 12 weeks- what a horrible long wait! Keep us posted!

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