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    • caseydog
      Smoked chicken wings. I used my homemade BBQ rub, and hot smoked the wings at 300F. Just the right amount of smoke -- chicken can easily...
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    • caseydog
      caseydog replied to the thread Garden 2024.
      When you get up into the upper 90s, a lot of plants blossom, but don't set fruit -- especially if it doesn't get below 80 at night. It...
    • caseydog
      caseydog reacted to Kaneohegirlinaz's post in the thread Dinner Friday, June 14, 2024? with Like Like.
      Yep, watched it last night. That's kinda-sorta how I do it, I just don't dirty up another bowl and I don't use nearly as much frozen...
    • caseydog
      caseydog replied to the thread Any recipe for crispy wings.
      At some point, you need to crank up the heat. One way is to bake them in the oven until almost done, then turn the broiler on to crisp...
    • caseydog
      caseydog replied to the thread Has anyone smoked pork belly?.
      I've seen it done like that on YouTube. They don't stipulate cooling overnight, just cooling before pan frying. I figure 30-minutes to...
    • caseydog
      caseydog reacted to medtran49's post in the thread Has anyone smoked pork belly? with Like Like.
      I always remove the skin anymore regardless of the recipe because we don't like the texture. Adjust your recipe as needed. You can use...
    • caseydog
      caseydog reacted to pictonguy's post in the thread Has anyone smoked pork belly? with Like Like.
      Ok, that's interesting CD. I remove the skin when I make bacon simply because it really can't be consumed very well, too tough and...
    • caseydog
      caseydog reacted to Andy M.'s post in the thread Any recipe for crispy wings with Like Like.
      I don't like that the recipe calls for boiling before baking. Waste of flavor.
    • caseydog
      caseydog replied to the thread Any recipe for crispy wings.
      I do usually deep fry mine at home, and they are crispy until, like you say, I toss them in Buffalo sauce. Then, they gradually get...
    • caseydog
      caseydog replied to the thread Dinner Friday, June 14, 2024?.
      Hey K-Girl, Chef John's latest YT video is for homemade Kalua Pork. CD
    • caseydog
      caseydog replied to the thread Has anyone smoked pork belly?.
      I'm okay with fatty meats. I can't eat a lot of it at one time, but I like it. The skin has been removed in the PB I found at HEB. No...
    • caseydog
      caseydog reacted to taxlady's post in the thread Has anyone smoked pork belly? with Like Like.
      I have three other recipes. They are in Danish. I can give you corrections to the Google Translate versions. One is a Yule roast with...
    • caseydog
      caseydog reacted to pictonguy's post in the thread Has anyone smoked pork belly? with Like Like.
      CD let me ask you. Do you enjoy pork fat enough for it to be the focus? Basically what I normally end up with is a skin that has...
    • caseydog
      caseydog replied to the thread Has anyone smoked pork belly?.
      No, although what is indicates on the label is that the "skin" has been removed. The fat layer is still there. CD
    • caseydog
      caseydog replied to the thread Garden 2024.
      All the rain over the last six months has been good for something. I managed to get my backyard lawn back. It was mostly dirt at the end...
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