PopCorners Sea Salt Review....

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
My local grocery store just carried in this item.

One Popcorners pop corn chip is a 2 and quarter inch bumpy, but rounded corner triangle.

It really looked like a piece of mashed popped popcorn.

This item really wound up tasting a whole lot like popcorn.

Just a few ingredients make up this product.

It had a great taste.

nice crunch.

I give this item a big thumbs up.
Onto the popcorners kettle flavor review...

This one really only ads on some sugar to make it sweet tasting.

I thought it made for a bit lousier tasting flavor.

Still the same crunch level and color.

I have to give this snack food item a medium sized thumbs up due to me not liking the sure as well as a plain version.
Onto the White cheddar flavor review.

This only brought white cheddar into the mix and it was a flop.

Same crunch level and color.

The flavor was not that great at all..

I can only give this flavor a minor thumbs up.
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