Roch's French Onion Soup

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Master Chef
Nov 10, 2010
Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada
Rocklobster's French Onion Soup

I have the day off today and it is -20 Celsius so I thought I would warm things up and make a soup from scratch. Let's start with the stock. I had a few beef rib bones in the freezer that weren't enough for a meal, so in the pot they go with the usual suspects. Onion, celery, carrot, leek, garlic, parsley and a couple tbls of olive oil. Put this baby in a 400 degree oven for about an hour. I like to give it a stir-around every 15 minutes or so. To be continued ........


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For the croutons I am using some day old home made bread I dug out of the freezer. I am using a round cup to cut the bread into circles and they go into the toaster oven to dry up for about 20 minutes on 200 degrees, or whatever it takes to get them dried out. They can be set aside until the soup is ready to assemble and bake.


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Ok. Bones are done. I took it out and added a bouquet garni of bay leaf, 3 allspice berries, peppercorns, parsley and thyme. A tblsp of tomato paste and about two litres of water.(I cheated and added about half a litre of beef broth I had opened in the fridge). Get this simmering on the stove for about an hour.

Meanwhile, I started about 6 medium sized cooking onions, with about a tbls of sugar to encourage browning, in another pot and am cooking them down until they become very dark and mushy.


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Roch--you're teasing us! I've already had to wipe drool off my monitor twice now. If it weren't so danged cold, I'd hop in my car and head on up the Valley. Bet I'd be there about the same time the soup hits the table.
LOL. Hang in there. I am trying to stay ahead of the Friday refreshments.:LOL: Onions and stock are done. Added about 1/4 cup of good ol' Canadian Sherry and deglazed the pot. Then, about 1 litre of the reduced stock. Brought it to a rolling boil to skim the fat.


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and then?

(no and then...)

would you just finish the soup already?

i bought little creamic crocks with handles last summer at a shop in amish country just to make this fronch soup, and i can wait no longer!
Ok. All done. Bread goes in first. Then soup, and cheese. I love parsley and I am not ashamed. In the 450 oven for about 20 minutes....
Picked at the bones and made up a few beef and broccoli potato skins with a blue cheese dip....


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what? what? Is everyone just standing around in awe? It got so quiet.

I could leap right through my screen for just a little taste. :yum::yum::yum::yum: < 4 thumbs up.
I can smell it from here and it smells goooood! I love french onion soup. made some the other day using some rich venison stock I had made after butchering the venison courtesy of the local cull.
Looks great! I hope the cheese was gruyere? Where is the condiment bottle of gewurztraminer?

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