Medical Marijuana

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Good job moderators and members for allowing the subject and the civility expressed.

I also am in agreement that cannabis is ones personal decision and should be left up to each individual.
As far as the smoke goes, that is correct. Smoke is bad for you. But people consume cannabis in other ways, thus making the smoking point less the obstacle.
However, those who do use regularly will tell you smoking is by far the very best method of delivery.

I am astonished to hear we in SC have at least two representatives looking at medical marijuana.
I also learned medical marijuana is already legal here in SC. Its only that the powers that be will not fund the program. It was made law in 1983, but it has never been addressed.
My mom suffered from chronic pain, exhaustion, Crohn's, and a number of other ailments for years. She also had no appetite, and due to the meds she was on, lost her sense of taste. If I could, I would have loved to see her try some form of MM. Unfortunately, she would have refused to take it if she knew what it was as to her, it was/is illegal. Considering the number of meds she was on, some of which were't very effective and caused a number of quality of life issues.
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My mom suffered from chronic pain, exhaustion, Crohn's, and a number of other ailments for years. She also had no appetite, and due to the meds she was on, lost her sense of taste. If I could, I would have loved to see her try some form of MM. Unfortunately, she would have refused to take it if she knew what it was as to her, it was/is illegal. Considering the number of meds she was on, some of which were't very effective and caused a number of quality of life issues.

Amen to that Dawg! My darling mother suffered and died in the 80's of ovarian cancer, after every possible treatment at the time. I begged her to let me get her some pot by any means necessary and she'd have none of it. When I think of how it could have relieved some of her suffering it still hurts me.
The one thing I can't come to terms with is personal use of marijuana in a home with children, we live in a complicated world.
The one thing I can't come to terms with is personal use of marijuana in a home with children, we live in a complicated world.

I agree Bea. I never hid alcohol from any of my children, yet I would have an issue with marijuana.
I guess its kinda like differing cultures.
In some European countries nudity is widely accepted , whereas in the US it is frowned upon.
I guess if our culture was different, maybe the subject would be easier to handle in regards to children.
I was never sheltered from alcohol growing up. So yes. Very good point. It would be every difficult.

Preconceived wrong information is a major reason we feel like we do. IMO.
"Just Say No" and the US "War on Drugs" have not set a good template for acceptance and it may require several generations to overcome these falsehoods we have been taught.
I am all for MM. Yes smoking it is bad for your health to a degree as smoking anything is bad for you, but there are other ways to get the benefit from pot. You can vaporize it, you can eat it, you can turn it into a salve or a tincture. There are millions of people whose lives and the lives of those around them have become drastically better because of this plant. To keep it out of the hands of patients who need something that can help them the way pot does is what should be the criminal act IMO.
If they know what the element in pot us that controls seizures, why can't science extract it and put it in medical form? Sounds like one medicine the public needs. Imagine what it could do for epilepsy. :angel:
It is more than just one element in the plant that helps the seizures. It is a case of the whole being more than the sum of its parts. They have tried for a long long time to synthesize different things from marijuana to use medicinally, but nothing they have ever tried even comes remotely close to the real deal. Why bother going through all that work and cost anyway when the plant itself is relatively safe, non-addictive, and simple and cheap to produce? We have medications like oxycontin, morphine, dilaudid (sp?), and many others that are used and prescribed by doctors that are habit forming, bad for your body, damaging in many ways. What is so bad about pot that it should be treated like it is worse than these substances?
It is more than just one element in the plant that helps the seizures. It is a case of the whole being more than the sum of its parts. They have tried for a long long time to synthesize different things from marijuana to use medicinally, but nothing they have ever tried even comes remotely close to the real deal. Why bother going through all that work and cost anyway when the plant itself is relatively safe, non-addictive, and simple and cheap to produce? We have medications like oxycontin, morphine, dilaudid (sp?), and many others that are used and prescribed by doctors that are habit forming, bad for your body, damaging in many ways. What is so bad about pot that it should be treated like it is worse than these substances?

I totally agree, GB. It just seems so cruel to withhold it from people (and animals) who could truly benefit. Supposedly its medicinal effects haven't been researched well enough. It's been around since the cave men....
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But, if it's legal, then organized crime won't profit from it. They lobby against making it legal. They learned their lesson from the ending of alcohol prohibition. Gotta keep people thinking it's dangerous.
The one thing I can't come to terms with is personal use of marijuana in a home with children, we live in a complicated world.
The same could be said about tobacco cigarettes. Although I never smoked in my life I grew up in a house with three smokers. Lived there until I was 23 1/2. I've been prone to colds and bronchitis all my life. Any doctor I've had says all those years of 2nd hand smoke weren't good for my lungs. I'm not talking the random smoke you might smell as you pass by a group of smokers on the street. After all, how long are you there - unless you are in a group of friends who smoke, then that is different. Just make sure you stand upwind! But 23+ years in a small house with all that smoking could not have been good.
Medical Marijuana, there should be no such thing. That said, it should be legalized and the money that has been used on "The War on Drugs" should be put towards our educational system, our military and feeding the hungry kids in this country.
If they know what the element in pot us that controls seizures, why can't science extract it and put it in medical form? Sounds like one medicine the public needs. Imagine what it could do for epilepsy. :angel:

They do. I watched a show dedicated just to this subject. Seizures in children. The show only showcased one child for example that went from multiple (100's) seizures per day, to almost none.
They extracted BPH from the plants flowers (buds) and made an elixir that could be given by mouth.
This was done by a self made chemist and MM grower. Imagine if true chemist's and the country actually allowed it to be studied and clinical trials were underway!

It is more than just one element in the plant that helps the seizures. It is a case of the whole being more than the sum of its parts. They have tried for a long long time to synthesize different things from marijuana to use medicinally, but nothing they have ever tried even comes remotely close to the real deal. Why bother going through all that work and cost anyway when the plant itself is relatively safe, non-addictive, and simple and cheap to produce? We have medications like oxycontin, morphine, dilaudid (sp?), and many others that are used and prescribed by doctors that are habit forming, bad for your body, damaging in many ways. What is so bad about pot that it should be treated like it is worse than these substances?

While I do agree with everything you said, they do have the ability to extract certain chemicals. BPH has shown it does prevent seizures.
Now, these unscientific studies were not performed in the most ideal conditions as the researchers could face arrest.
But the proof was in the pudding as they say. I saw proof.
We have not scratched the surface of this medicine because its against the federal law. This must change.

Medical Marijuana, there should be no such thing. That said, it should be legalized and the money that has been used on "The War on Drugs" should be put towards our educational system, our military and feeding the hungry kids in this country.

I would prefer that marijuana be decriminalized (no penalty for possession) and treated like alcohol and other medicines.
In the US, all drugs are classified. DEA / Drug Scheduling
Class one(1) includes heroin and cocaine and marijuana with several others like LSD. Class 1 narcotics are not supposed have any beneficial medical use and are highly addictive according to the justice dept. We all know this is bunk in regards to marijuana and some other drugs listed.

Remove marijuana from this class and drop it into class 2 or 3, and watch this medicine become mainstream.
I have issue with the government being too involved. They messed it up already, why allow them more opportunity to mess it up more.
Are you sure it is BPH you are talking about and not CBD? CBD has been shown to have positive effects on seizures and has no role in intoxication. I have never heard of BPH in relation to marijuana and a quick Google search did not turn up anything.

My point, however, was that removing the CBD, while it might be technically possible, also removes other benefits and the only reason it is done is because there is a stigma associated with marijuana perpetrated by people who did so not because the plant is harmful, but because it put $ in their pockets to do so.
I've seen Megace do amazing work in increasing the appetites of our elders. I've seen those who are going through chemo, be able to tolerate it and actually thrive while smoking pot while in treatment for their cancer. I do not believe it should be treated as a prescription drug, I do agree that it should be considered the same as Alcohol and Cigarettes.

I would love to be able to go the the nearest shop and pick up a few joints for my patients.
I've seen Megace do amazing work in increasing the appetites of our elders.
I just took a quick look at the possible side effects of that drug. With the exception of some of the more mild ones (dizziness, extreme hunger) marijuana does not have any of those. Can you imagine many people smoking a joint if the side effects included unexpected vaginal bleeding or sharp, crushing chest pain?

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