Trader Joe's Potato Chips with South African Style Seasoning review!!!

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
I finally got to go to a Trader Joe's and this is the first item I JUST had to have.

I got a 10 ounce bag of potato chips for 2.29 which is a total deal....

The bag did have some large chips in it.

Ingredients include Paprika, Sea Salt, Garlic Powder, Spices (Basil, Parsley), Hickory Smoked Sea Salt, Dehydrated Garlic, Dehydrated Chili Pepper, Natural Smoke Flavor).

This tasted more like a Smokey BBQ rub than a sweet saucy BBQ sauce.

The taste though for me was really solid!!

A big thumbs up from me and a must try item.
Oooo, thanks...going there on Wednesday....will have to look for them. We are hooked on their corn chips.
If you like the chips, be sure to look for the jar of South African Smoked Seasoning* in the section with spices. Delicious on pork chops or chicken breasts cooked on the grill. We might have even sprinkled some on burgers. It's pretty good stuff.

* I might be a little wrong with the exact name. Too lazy to go downstairs to the kitchen and pull out the step stool to check it.
i'm curious. what makes it south african?

hickory smoke is fairly common here, and has only been traansplaanted ;) to south africa over the generations.

a grill or braai seems to be the same as well.
The words on the label?

For you, bucky, only for you, I left my cozy den upstairs in the front of the house, walked down the steps and through to kitchen at the back of the go to the garage to get my step stool. Set it up, got the grinder-top bottle, and came back upstairs. To tell you that the label says...nothing much. Ingredients are Paprika flakes, sea salt, garlic and basil. They don't tell you what gives it the smoky flavor. They do say it adds "Umami". All I know is it isn't hickory. It has a mysterious, dark, dusty sweet edge to it. Not sharp on the nose or tongue. It's good. :yum:
The words on the label?

For you, bucky, only for you, I left my cozy den upstairs in the front of the house, walked down the steps and through to kitchen at the back of the go to the garage to get my step stool. Set it up, got the grinder-top bottle, and came back upstairs. To tell you that the label says...nothing much. Ingredients are Paprika flakes, sea salt, garlic and basil. They don't tell you what gives it the smoky flavor. They do say it adds "Umami". All I know is it isn't hickory. It has a mysterious, dark, dusty sweet edge to it. Not sharp on the nose or tongue. It's good. :yum:

CG, do you do that every time you use it? :ohmy::LOL:
Kayelle, I have to do that anytime I want anything from a top shelf in any kitchen cupboard! I can still reach things at the edge of the shelf, but one-item deep and I'm doomed. I keep thinking I should move my spices from the single-door cupboard on the left of the stove to the double-door one on the right. That way I won't need to use the top shelf for spices, etc. But then that means moving all my mixing bowls and measuring things. Much as I'd like a really nice, re-organized kitchen, I keep putting it off in hopes that the next time I do that it's back home in OH. :)

BTW, the attached garage is right off the kitchen, and the folding step-stool is right outside the door. I could move it into the pantry if I re-arranged the cutting boards and table leaves and....*sigh*
The words on the label?

For you, bucky, only for you, I left my cozy den upstairs in the front of the house, walked down the steps and through to kitchen at the back of the go to the garage to get my step stool. Set it up, got the grinder-top bottle, and came back upstairs. To tell you that the label says...nothing much. Ingredients are Paprika flakes, sea salt, garlic and basil. They don't tell you what gives it the smoky flavor. They do say it adds "Umami". All I know is it isn't hickory. It has a mysterious, dark, dusty sweet edge to it. Not sharp on the nose or tongue. It's good. :yum:

The sea salt is a SMOKED sea salt I think...
Kayelle, I have to do that anytime I want anything from a top shelf in any kitchen cupboard! I can still reach things at the edge of the shelf, but one-item deep and I'm doomed. I keep thinking I should move my spices from the single-door cupboard on the left of the stove to the double-door one on the right. That way I won't need to use the top shelf for spices, etc. But then that means moving all my mixing bowls and measuring things. Much as I'd like a really nice, re-organized kitchen, I keep putting it off in hopes that the next time I do that it's back home in OH. :)

BTW, the attached garage is right off the kitchen, and the folding step-stool is right outside the door. I could move it into the pantry if I re-arranged the cutting boards and table leaves and....*sigh*

Try putting those things in a basket for the top shelf CG. I can reach the basket, and bring it down to the counter. I keep those envelopes of sauces, etc. up there along with bags of spices to refill my spice shakers.
Like you, I'd never be able to reach anything but the edge of the shelf, but I can get a hold on the big plastic basket and bring it down.
Thanks! Nowhere on the label does it say what kind of wood is used. I didn't think it was hickory since it doesn't smell like the wood we use to smoke ribs.

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