Here's An Odd Question

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
Being from Hawaii, I don't know must about stuff that 'mainland' folks deal with all the time.
My husband and I both bought REALLY nice, expensive leather ankle high lace up boots from L.L.Bean when we first got here.
We each have worn them ONCE! And there they sat in the closet in this dry, desert atmosphere and now they're a bit hard around the heels.
Is there anything that I can do to soften them up?
They're a bit uncomfortable, and now that we're moving to much colder and snowy climate, we'd like to use them.
Any suggestions?
If they're just a bit uncomfortable, I'd stomp around in them for awhile, with the socks that you would normally wear. Wear them as much as you can, and they'll loosen up.

If they're unwearable, I think LL Bean has a good return policy, and you can get replacements.
My first thought is to contact L.L. Bean. I've purchased from them for decades and have found their customer service above and beyond most. Since the boots are their merchandise, I would expect they'd have a solution for your dilemma.
Only 2 things I know, call LL Bean or your local boot shop and ask.
Also wear them. That should help them to soften up.
Been years since I wore boots but when I did I wore them almost constantly.
I saw that on the news tonight. If they're duck boots, you're golden.
From another LLBean fan, kgirl...just give them a call! I've never been disappointed in their customer service.

This is the shoes that we have
Gotta say what the others have LL Bean on proper care. You should be able to use boot oil the leather parts.

I rarely wear anything other than work boots.....even around the house. I've bought nothing but Redwing boots since '75......extra $$$ but well worth it. My current pair is over 10 years old and can stand being oiled again......if I'm in the area of one of their stores I can drop them off and they will oil them free of charge.
Are you talking dress boots or utility boots? If they are just utility boots, you need a good leather conditioner to return the suppleness.

L.L. Bean does make a good one:
L.L.Bean Boot Guard | Free Shipping at L.L.Bean

I missed this post some how... Steve is this the same as Saddle Soap?
I have a tin of this, but when I used it on something else, it really darkened the leather. And YES, everyone I will call LLBean.

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