How often do you try a new recipe?

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Head Chef
Jan 16, 2016
Puget Sound, WA
I have a recipe box and recipe cards, but I have yet to write anything down. I've been collecting them as links online and today I finally decided to go through them and clear a lot of them out. The result is I have 11 new recipes to try this month, and possibly more.

So I was just curious - how many new recipes a month does everyone here usually try?
I can't give you a hard and fast number. But whenever I have the energy, I have a very very very very VERY very very very very long list of recipes I want to try. Heck, I have about 30 recipes for biscuits alone. I have yet to find one that works out as well as the one I used as a kid 40-50 years ago.

I will NEVER get around to actually trying even a tenth of what I have bookmarked, but a girl can dream, can't she? LOL!
rr, I would say on average it's at least one a week. Sometimes three or four are bunched up in one week, but then I won't make anything new for weeks after that.

KB, I'm like you are. Between recipes clipped out, saved from online, and bookmarked in cookbooks, I will NEVER live long enough to try even one tenth of what I've saved. So much easier to fall back on an old faithful recipe when you're short of time or brain power.
Like CG, we average about one per week. Sometimes we just make something that is not based on any recipe.
Im in the one a week club too.
Anytime I see a recipe a I want to try, I bookmark it and place it in my " Untried recipes" folder. If its a picture of something ( maybe the way something is presented, but not a recipe) I have a separate folder of pics.

Once I've tried the recipe, it either gets transferred to my " Tried and liked " folder, or gets flushed.

I to have dozens and dozens fo Untried recipes in that folder. Most of which I probably don't even remember that I bookmarked.

I then have my cookbooks, which I usually use as reference, but on occasion, Ill be in the mood for something from a particular chef/ author, and Ill searcher something to make.

About once a week.

Usually the initial idea comes from DC, FB or the monthly magazine from Wegman's, followed by a few quick Google searches.

The recipes are for inspiration, I rarely follow them. I tend to adjust most recipes to what I have on hand.

Once or twice a year I find a recipe that becomes part of my monthly or seasonal rotation, until it gets bumped by the next "OMG best :yum: thing ever". :ermm::ohmy::LOL:

Lately I've been looking at pizza and pasta substitutes, soups and lentils as a replacement or extender for ground beef.
Maybe once a fortnight. It mostly depends on if I can match what I buy (i.e. preferably something reduced in price) to a recipe that I might have in my bag. (I keep some cut out recipes in envelopes there - made a thread on it).

Mostly though I prefer to improvise which may, in itself, go way back to a basic recipe but with my added variation on it.
In addition to my post, Just like Aunt Bea, It's not too often that I find a new recipe that falls into my monthly rotation. But I get excited when one does. Even though I can go 2 months without repeating the same meal twice. After so many years, things do get routine, so it's always nice when something makes it into the rotation.

Usually, when I do try a new recipe, I try to follow it exactly the first time around. If i don't like it, and see no potential, the recipe gets flushed. If its perfect ,as is, or if with a little tweaking can become better, Ill make notes about what changes I'd make and try it again.

Unless it is a " Meat " recipe that I am converting to vegetarian. Then, clearly I make changes so i can eat it.

Sometimes i do have to ' save ' the recipe, if i don't like how its going during the process, I may make some last minute changes or substitutions just so everyone will eat it. Usually I have a pretty good concept of how the recipe will taste just by reading it through.
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I have a process where when I see a recipe I like I print it out and three hole punch. I put them in a stack to try. It is a very large stack I might add. If i try and like them, they go into my 3 ring binder, if not they go into the round file cabinet.
All the time. I have, on occasion, tried a new recipe every day for months on end. Love doing that because we're treated to such a wonderful variety of dishes. Some are "keepers," others...not so much.

Fortunately, my husband will eat nearly anything so, when it comes to trying a new recipe, the sky's the limit in our house. Yeah!!
Like you, Aunt Bea, I use inspiration as my guide. Just this week, I was prepping to make my version of tuna casserole.

In the back of my mind is the fact that tuna is OK, but just not special.

I thought about using canned salmon instead, figuring it might be better, and voila, a new addition to my regular rotation has happened.

I'd estimate that kind of thing happens several times a month. Some work out, some are just okay, and some are fails.

DC gives me lots of ideas. Often it's just the mention of an ingredient that starts my creative juices flowing.
Thank you, everyone. I was really beginning to worry since I had so many recipes in my links. I thought I was the only one who collected too many to use!
I also have maybe hundreds of recipes to try. I try recipes from our members here most often though. If I've known a member for a while they feel more like a "family" recipe.
Like you, Aunt Bea, I use inspiration as my guide. Just this week, I was prepping to make my version of tuna casserole.

In the back of my mind is the fact that tuna is OK, but just not special.

I thought about using canned salmon instead, figuring it might be better, and voila, a new addition to my regular rotation has happened.

I'd estimate that kind of thing happens several times a month. Some work out, some are just okay, and some are fails.

DC gives me lots of ideas. Often it's just the mention of an ingredient that starts my creative juices flowing.

Z, one of my favorite dishes my mother made used to be creamed salmon and peas over mashed taters or rice. She used the canned salmon. It was my job to pick out all the cartilage. BTW, it is also a New England tradition to serve this dish on July 4th. Don't ask me why. I have no idea.

My daughter took me to get my hair cut today and then we went out to eat. She had a pineapple pizza (YUK!) and I had a fried chicken thigh and wing. :angel:
I have hundreds and maybe thousands of saved recipes I've saved to try. I have as many I've tried and lied that I don't make often.

Periodically I scan my untried recipes and pull a few to try. Then I buy the ingredients and go for it. On average I try 3-4 a month.
Because I test drive recipes and develop recipes for a company, there are weeks that I test drive 6-8 recipes and develop 4-.6 sides. When developing recipes, I pick a flavour profile and take it from the protein to the sides. When test driving a recipe, plating also comes into play. There is a lot that I take into account - colour, building the flavour profile, introducing a different way to use an ingredient, cost, etc. I guess I am not your average home cook...
Because I test drive recipes and develop recipes for a company, there are weeks that I test drive 6-8 recipes and develop 4-6 sides. When developing recipes, I pick a flavour profile and take it from the protein to the sides. When test driving a recipe, plating also comes into play. There is a lot that I take into account - colour, building the flavour profile, introducing a different way to use an ingredient, cost, etc. I guess I am not your average home cook...

Since you're developing and testing recipes for pay, you're not talking about home cooking at all. I'm glad you're successful at it, but it isn't really comparable.
I probably try a different recipe every week or two. Then again, my recipes are always different even if they're for the same dish, I have a tendency to fling together stuff without a recipe. Thankfully I don't bake. That would make for some really interesting results.

Zhizara said:
Flinging things together, yep that's me too. I rarely make a dish the same way twice. Even when I do make it the same way, it still gets changed gradually.

i once tried baking lots of different cookies. I had so many fails - cookies without sugar, too much baking powder. I finally decided baking was not for me and quit entirely. If I want baked goods, I just buy them from the shelves or in-store bakery! No more fails or flour on a floor that has recessed grout!
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Since you're developing and testing recipes for pay, you're not talking about home cooking at all. I'm glad you're successful at it, but it isn't really comparable.
But the recipes are for home cooks, so that is also a factor. Ease of preo, time it takes, etc. I develop a lot of the recipes in my head before I take them to the kitchen.

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