Possibly a dumb question about Condensed soup in a recipe.

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
I came across this recipe online ( basically I wasn't looking for it, but it was kinda shoved in my face on a social media site), and it got me thinking.

The recipe is called " Crockpot Ranched Potatoes", and here's how it goes:

2lbs of red potatoes
1 can of creamed chicken soup
1 cup of sour cream
1 ranch packet

Cut potatoes, mix ingredients , cook on low for 6 hours, done.

So here's my question. Most canned creamed chicken soups are condensed. I assume just ad the condensed can of soup ( with no additional water, milk or whatever as the can might call for when making soup) along with the other ingredients as listed.

I ask this, not necessarily cause Im going to make this recipe, but Ive come across similar recipes ( that Ive never tried) and always wondered if its just the can of condensed soup you're adding, or with the extra liquid.


Larry, it's late! :) That would be 'Cream of Chicken Soup', I'd assume. Also, do not add the additional liquid (milk or water) because in a crock pot (and other recipes), it doesn't need it and the potatoes will give off water too. Crock pots are very wet and none of the liquids evaporate unless the lid is off and usually it isn't.

When I make the notorious green bean casserole, I add the cream of mushroom soup, without adding additional liquid, as well.

That would be my take on it. Sleep well.
And yes, it is late / early. couldn't sleep, so I figured what better way to spend my sleepless night than coming here to DC and ask a dumb question :)
Hey, not a dumb question at all. I'm up contemplating what to cook tomorrow.
You still getting potatoes from your out door storage root cellar?

I went to bed ~830-ish as I was really tired. Got 5 hours in and now I feel up up up for volleyball.

I think your recipe, or any with canned soup would indicate if you are to add a can/ of additional liquid or, as this instance, leave it condensed.

So what are your thoughts on this. Seems like I read somewhere once they don't recommend adding milk, or cheese or sour cream to crock pot recipes, as it curdles. Condensed soup may be different as it's more processed. On the other hand, I see creamy recipes in crockpots and they seem to turn out alright.

My only experience similar is making stroganoff (not crockpot), stirring in sour cream shortly before serving. When reheating leftovers the next day, the sour cream neither separates or curdles. So maybe what I originally read doesn't hold water.
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The root cellar is doing great. My potatoes still in there and not freezing . Ive since purchased Onions in a larger quantity ( I think a 20 lb bag) and stored the excess in there. They are doing great too. But what i found out, is now that I know I have a large supply of onions/ potatoes on hand, I used them a lot more frequently. Which means a trip out to the ' cellar' to retrieve them. In the spring, Ill make it a little easier to get the stuff from deep in the cellar ( as it is just a submerged garbage can, and not an actual walk in cellar). That being said, it gives me something to do.

CG, Thats all I get on my news feeds now. Its difficult just keeping up with all the new ideas. I have an ' untried recipe' folder, which is growing so quickly, I'm not sure Ill have enough time in my lifetime to try all the recipes.

Didn't know there were so many Night owls here. Luckily I'm off tomorrow, so I can ultimately sleep it off :)
...Didn't know there were so many Night owls here. Luckily I'm off tomorrow, so I can ultimately sleep it off :)
Sometimes it's like Insomniac City around here. ? Himself and I are retired. He worked 4 to midnight until he retired, so we are basically on Hawaiian time at our house. Besides, someone has to wake the birds up.
When I work long days ( my tuesdays and thursdays), you'd think Id be tired and get a great night sleep, but it actually winds me up. I usually go to sleep about 1/2 hour earlier but wake up 4 hours earlier . I had friends in the past from Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines .. So I always had someone to talk to on days like that. But lost touch with most of them, so I often spend my awaken hours trying to conquer the internet. I used to cook in the middle of the night, but my wife yelled at me that she'd be awaken from all the good smells and wouldn't get a good night sleep.
Just keep the potatoes and onions as far away from each other as possible. For whatever chemical reason they promote the spoilage in each other.
Hi Larry ~
How lucky to have your own potatoes! I grew some several years ago and now, thanks to you, I'm thinking of trying some this year! BUT ..... I don't think I would use the recipe you posted. Why smother delicious home grown potatoes in cream soup, sour cream, and ranch dressing!?? Yuck!! The salt content alone is scary! I want potatoes to taste like potatoes! My favorite way of preparing potatoes is simple --- toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper and roast in the oven. Soooo good. If you do try the recipe you posted, let us know how you like it. Thanks for the post -- it got me thinking about my veggie garden!
BUT ..... I don't think I would use the recipe you posted. Why smother delicious home grown potatoes in cream soup, sour cream, and ranch dressing!?? Yuck!!

I agree, and i likely won't try the recipe.
I was just more curious about the condensed soup question, as I come across recipes that call for it from time to time, and I always wondered if extra liquid was added.

I also rarely use a slow cooker, so I figured people with that experience would have an Idea.

I also love roasted potatoes.
I can't wait, almost gardening time again.
Larry ~ I do understand why you asked the question about the soup. I would have had the same question. I rarely use canned soups -- only when I'm very desperate! Ha! Ha!

Yep, gardening time is fast approaching here in Northern California. I do have cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and fava beans in the garden now, but they're not producing yet. It's been so rainy and cold here that they're in shock!! The drought is definitely over and now California has too much water and not enough reservoirs! Oh boy ......

Have a great weekend!
Sometimes it's like Insomniac City around here. �� Himself and I are retired. He worked 4 to midnight until he retired, so we are basically on Hawaiian time at our house. Besides, someone has to wake the birds up.

So it was you that Irving Berlin was singing about:

"Someday I'll get that other pup, the one that wakes the bugler up,
Oh, ya gotta get up, ya gotta get up, ya gotta get up in the morning."

Getting back to condensed soup, this is one of those nuts and bolts questions. You often don't think of things like this until you actually stop writing a recipe and start actually putting stuff together.

I used to bring cans of soup on overnight winter backpacking trips because of the convenience of being able to heat the soup right in the can next to the fire. I once wasn't paying attention and brought along a can of condensed soup. That was the nastiest, saltiest first few tastes of soup until I realized what I'd done. Some melted snow ended up helping out, but I will never forget to look to see if any canned soup is condensed.

Btw, it's not a good idea to heat soup in its own can as a lot of them have some kind of plastic liner and other stuff that can get into the food.
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