Speaking of Toast...

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
Just had a thought and decided to write it down before I forget it.

Do you make toast with a pop-up toaster or a toaster oven (if you have one)? I do not.

If 'yes', why?
I have both, but the toaster hangs out in the pantry now. The toaster oven is just more versatile, even though the toaster is a bit quicker. Until about a year ago I had never owned a toaster oven, it comes in quite handy sometimes.
Just had a thought and decided to write it down before I forget it.

Do you make toast with a pop-up toaster or a toaster oven (if you have one)? I do not.

If 'yes', why?
I didn't replace my toaster when we moved from Cali..
I used the big oven until I bought a toaster oven recently..
The oven was ok but, I, frequently like a slice of toast as a snack so, the main oven was a bit of a pain to use for 1 or 2 slices..

I found that the toaster oven toasts bread and bagels, etc., better than the last few pop up toasters I've had..
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I prefer toast in a toaster but because of limited space I gave it up for a multi use toaster oven. I'm glad to have the toaster oven, but I wish I had room for both.
I always toast my bread for a sandwich.
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I use both. I like how the bread comes out flatter and more evenly toasted in the TO, but as mentioned it requires more attention. For breakfast in the morning with my scrambled eggs I just pop a slice of bread in the toaster.

If I'm making a BLT or a nice slice of garlic French bread with steak for a dinner, I use the TO. LOL
I have both and prefer the toaster oven for making toast or toasting English muffins.

The TO gives me a crisper crunchier finished product and a little char around the edges.

I also use the TO for frozen pizza slices, hash brown patties and for toasted cheese sandwiches. I put them directly on the rack they get a nice crunch without any extra oil.

My toaster is a good candidate for the local thrift shop.
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My wife uses the pop up toaster almost daily. She is a gadget person, and not much of a cook. so anything that does the work for her that requires little attention is right up her alley. I tried it a few times, and it seams that it doesn't toast as evenly as just tossing it in the oven. One side is always darker than the other, and even each individual side isn't toasted evenly. That being said, I think we have a cheap pop up toaster. I would assume a better brand would likely do a better job. My wife doesn't mind , and I don't use it, so no intentions of investing in the near future.

We had a toaster oven ( actually a really good one), but just takes up too much counter space. I just toss the bread in the oven, right on the rack. Needs a little attention ( and Im sure I've burned one or two while being distracted ( phone calls, something else on the burner ...). But, that's my go to .
I don't have a toaster-oven. They take up too much counter space in my moderate-size kitchen. Besides, they are redundant to my built-in oven. I have a two slice DeLonghi toaster for toasting bread, buns, bagels and such.

I prefer toast in a toaster...

Just curious, Kayelle, what do you prefer about a toaster for toast?

Also, everyone. Have you tried to make toast in a frying pan?

I have a small kitchen and prefer the TO as it does a lot more than make toast and I don't feel I need both.
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We have a toaster oven - no toaster. It doesn't toast completely evenly, but that doesn't bother me. I also use it to roast chicken, keep food warm, reheat and crisp leftover pizza, make garlic bread, and more. Mine is big enough to contain an 8x8 pan, so I heated lasagna in it at 350F the other night while I was using the big oven to bake bread at 450F. I love the versatility.
We have both and almost always use the toaster for toast. It does a great job. It is a fairly nice toaster that does 4 slices that can be extra long and/or extra thick. We use the toaster oven for lots of other stuff. We tend to use it more in summer, because it doesn't heat up the kitchen as much as the regular oven.
Got rid of the toaster a few years ago when I got my TO. It's much more versatile. Now if it would only wash windows and do laundry, I'd be all set.
Just curious, Kayelle, what do you prefer about a toaster for toast?

It might just be letting go of old habits Andy. However, I did have a setting on my old pop up toaster that was automatically perfect for the toast I like which is slightly darker than the "blonde" most folks prefer. It's hit and miss to watch it to perfection with the TO.
Now that brings to mind the ancient electric toaster on my grandparents breakfast table that was so much fun to make toast. I'll look for a picture of one.
Both, but I rarely toast anything. My wife uses them almost daily. She loves grilled cheese and tomato on various breads.
We have a very good, small toaster oven, and a regular 4 slot bread toaster.

The toaster oven gets far more use, both for its utility, but also that it is always out on a countertop next to the stove. The bread toaster is stored on a lower, open shelf in the kitchen. Easily accesible, and it does a more uniform (better) job, but I guess you just use whatcha got ready to go.
Just curious, Kayelle, what do you prefer about a toaster for toast?

Also, everyone. Have you tried to make toast in a frying pan?

I have a small kitchen and prefer the TO as it does a lot more than make toast and I don't feel I need both.

My ex-MIL used to spread the bread (often homemade) with butter, and toast it in the oven. It was soooooo good, although loaded with fat. We would then through all caution to the wind, and load up a couple slices with thick bacon.

In one weekend at my MIL's house, I could easily gain from five to ten pounds. :ohmy:

It might just be letting go of old habits Andy. However, I did have a setting on my old pop up toaster that was automatically perfect for the toast I like which is slightly darker than the "blonde" most folks prefer. It's hit and miss to watch it to perfection with the TO.
Now that brings to mind the ancient electric toaster on my grandparents breakfast table that was so much fun to make toast. I'll look for a picture of one.

Was it one of these Sunbeam Automatic toasters?


My grandfather had about a dozen of them. When Sunbeam stopped making them, he went to garage sales and bought all of them he could find. :LOL:

I used to have a toaster, probably back in the 90s, but just a cheap toaster oven now. I liked the toast better from the toaster, but I can do a lot more in the TO. Plus, it's out of the way, up on the shelf over my range, which had wasted space on the far left. If I had a better one, it might toast as well as the toaster did (though also an ancient, cheap one). I often toast thick chunks of bread, which a toaster won't do (at least the one I had). I really don't make toast on a regular basis; never for breakfast (I usually eat weird leftovers for breakfast - the hot peppers wake me up!), but I often toast the last half of the loaf of bread as I slice it for sandwiches, as it is starting to get stale, which the toasting masks. The crunch is good, too!
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Toaster ovens isnt common in Sweden, I dont even know if they sell them. Apartments comes with ovens and adding one more would just take up space and a toaster is smaller.
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