Pics of your own food

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Head Chef
Dec 5, 2018
Columbus, Ohio
I'm new here and have noticed some pics here and there of your own personal creations and would love to see more. If there is a thread of this nature already created where you all are posting pictures of your own dishes, feel free to direct me there.

Hi Linda and welcome.

Many like to post pictures of our creations. Some are really expert (not me) but I also love seeing them all. It seems that most pictures appear in the nightly dinner thread so be sure to check (and join) in there every day. It's a great thread where people actually cook and enjoy talking about it. It's also a great source of inspiration!
I love looking at everyone's food pics! "Today's Menu" is my go to when I first open my laptop. :chef:

Linda, if you get a chance, check out our member Power Plant Op's signature link. He has lots of videos that accompany his international dishes. Great food (I've made several) and well made videos.
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If you click on the user name on the left side of a post, you will get a drop down box in which one of the options is to view their gallery. That gives you access to their pictures unless they have made them private.
Nothing beats natural light, though. My best food pics were when the sun was just right, coming in through the kitchen window or sliding doors.

All of my best pictures of anything were in early or late "long" light.

Without assisted lighting as has been shown, I would turn off your flash (unless you want food-noir pictures) and set everything else to auto exposure. Some folks get good at their cell phone cams. You can always play with the settings.
Nothing beats natural light, though. My best food pics were when the sun was just right, coming in through the kitchen window or sliding doors.

All of my best pictures of anything were in early or late "long" light.

Without assisted lighting as has been shown, I would turn off your flash (unless you want food-noir pictures) and set everything else to auto exposure. Some folks get good at their cell phone cams. You can always play with the settings.

Natural diffused light is the best you can get. To bad its not on demand 24-7
Nothing beats natural light, though. My best food pics were when the sun was just right, coming in through the kitchen window or sliding doors.

All of my best pictures of anything were in early or late "long" light.

Without assisted lighting as has been shown, I would turn off your flash (unless you want food-noir pictures) and set everything else to auto exposure. Some folks get good at their cell phone cams. You can always play with the settings.

I love natural light, but I often cook after dark, so I gotta do what I gotta do.

Being a professional photographer, I have all kinds of lighting stuff, so I use it. But, I don't put a tremendous amount of time and effort into my shots for the forum -- I cook the food to eat, so I want to get the photos done fast, before my food gets cold. Besides, I can't afford myself.

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Natural diffused light is the best you can get. To bad its not on demand 24-7
Heh. I took a photography class in 1990 in the fall, as it got darker and darker outside. We were required to use a manual camera with film and no flash allowed. Since I was working, the only time I could take pictures and develop and print them in time for the next class was after 5:30 pm when I got home from work. I remember taking pictures on the fireplace mantel with DH holding a flashlight so I could get double the light with the reflection in the mirror. Good times [emoji38]
Heh. I took a photography class in 1990 in the fall, as it got darker and darker outside. We were required to use a manual camera with film and no flash allowed. Since I was working, the only time I could take pictures and develop and print them in time for the next class was after 5:30 pm when I got home from work. I remember taking pictures on the fireplace mantel with DH holding a flashlight so I could get double the light with the reflection in the mirror. Good times [emoji38]

I do not miss film one bit, or hours spent in the darkroom. I can take pictures at 12,800 ISO that are better quality than 400 ISO film back then.

The challenge with food is to get enough contrast to show dimension and depth, but not too much contrast. Many of my food shots on DC have too much contrast for my tastes, but again, I don't want my food to get cold while I fiddle with lights and reflectors.

I remember spending several hours each week both in high school and in college darkrooms. I eventually turned part of my single apartment into a darkroom. Good times!
I must have seen the classic movie "Blowup" at least a dozen times back in the day... :LOL:

The only camera I use now is what's in my iPhone 6. I sold all my photo gear on Ebay and CL years ago except for the Leica M3 my dad gave me several decades ago...
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Excellent advice and info, especially on how to take pics with your phone. I normally just use my digital camera because it takes better pics than my phone does.
I do not miss film one bit, or hours spent in the darkroom. I can take pictures at 12,800 ISO that are better quality than 400 ISO film back then.

I remember spending several hours each week both in high school and in college darkrooms. I eventually turned part of my single apartment into a darkroom. Good times!
I must have seen the classic movie "Blowup" at least a dozen times back in the day... [emoji38]

I was off by a decade [emoji38] I took the class in 2000. My brother and cousin both got married that year and I took about 8 rolls worth of pictures of their weddings. Most of them were terrible and I was so aggravated, I signed up for a photography class at the local community college. I learned a lot and the most important thing I took away from it is a great appreciation for the digital darkroom [emoji38] I bought a digital camera after that and never looked back.
Clicked on this to see some Food Porn...... Woe ! No Pics .........

Here's some pics of my take on Stuffed Cabbage...

stuffed cabbage.jpg

stuffed cabbage004.jpg

Stuffed Cabbage 2.jpg

Stuffed Cabbage 3.jpg

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