Okay, boys and girls....I'm going to promote myself!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
Normally, I participate in regional holiday bazaars and fairs but, due to the virus, many of them, most of them, have been cancelled.

I've thought for a long time that I should create my own website, mostly because I'm too old to get up at 6 a.m. to get to a venue that may or may not be worth my time.

Guess the virus has been a silver lining for me.

So...today I created my own website - swanroaddesigns.com - to promote my dolly outfits, etc.

I've only entered a few products and know I have many hours of work ahead of me.

I love being busy. Love sewing, creating and knitting and I hope this will satisfy my need for my pursuit of my loved hobbies. We'll see.

I just can't sit still while in retirement!
That's pretty cool, Katie! The Halloween outfits are precious. I hope this is very successful for you - but just as successful as you want to be. Who knows, you could be the next corporate mogul!
Congratulation Kate!.
I really admire the persons that don't give up easily but they go out of their way to achieve their dreams.

I wish you good luck. :lucky:
That is GREAT! :punk: Think you will be a success to which ever degree you'd like.

Katie, wish I had even just a tiny bit of your drive. :LOL:
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Katie, are you promoting your shop anywhere else?

No. This is all so new to me. So far, it's been a lot of expected work, especially taking photos and creating written info for each item.

I'm not a stranger to words but there are only so many hours in the day and I don't want to cheat Glenn of the attention he should have.

Again, baby steps.

I don't have any notions that I'll make a bundle. Just doing something I enjoy.
I don't have any notions that I'll make a bundle. Just doing something I enjoy.

I agree. I would like to sell my efforts as well. Not to make money per se but to have a sense of doing something I love to do for others that they appreciate and would like to have.

and perhaps a 'break even situation' :ermm:
After I retired, I used a pretty complete assortment of wood working equipment, I'd acquired over time, to build replica's of Victorians, etc., in my home town.

It turned into a small business as, local tourist shops and individual people asked me to replicate a childhood home, etc.

It was fun but, became work and work wasn't the original intent. I stopped doing it about 7 years in.



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After I retired, I used a pretty complete assortment of wood working equipment, I'd acquired over time, to build replica's of Victorians, etc., in my home town.

It turned into a small business as, local tourist shops and individual people asked me to replicate a childhood home, etc.

It was fun but, became work and work wasn't the original intent. I stopped doing it about 7 years in.



and WOW... that house is adorable!

and WOW... that house is adorable!

Found the photos I made that Vic from.
The pic shown was, actually a prototype for the two replicas I made for brothers who grew up in that house in the 30's. The property changed over the years and I took it back to the original house.



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