National Cake Day ~ Nov. 26 2022 ~ Dinner Thread

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
We're going to repeat last night's dinner, `cuz we have to go back down to "The Valley" to see the cardio surgeon for a follow up and maybe a little fine tuning of DH's ICD ... I don't want to waste food so we need to finish off what's in the house ... and it ain't leftovers from T-Day - we didn't have any dang it all!

Grilled Teriyaki B/S Chicken Thighs
My Quick Cucumber Kim Chee
Fried Saimin, which we still have plenty of.
I don't have any cake, but I do have 3 more of these to polish off


Whatcha makin'?
A great big salad w/lettuce, small tomatoes halved, large amount of sprouts, broccoli trees, braised soybeans, w/mustard dressing.
Have no idea. Maybe a grilled cheese. Had some Mushroom Barley for lunch with drop biscuits and the last Blueberry Crumble for lunch.
Could even be just cheese and crackers or celery while watching TV.
Gads.... all these decisions! Don't know if I can handle it! The stress! the stress!
I had no leftover Thanksgiving food, but I did have 2 pieces of pizza left from Wednesday night so I finished that and had a brownie for dessert.
We had whole wheat bagels with smoked salmon, cream cheese, sliced onion, and capers. We each had a dill pickle.
I have chocolate cupcakes for rainy day tomorrow. Otherwise use them on snow day Tuesday. Do I light candles for National Cake Day?

Dinner was fries and chicken tenders. Had leftover Thanksgiving cheer for dessert.
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