Dinner for Friday - 10.03.23

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Bagel with Cream Cheese and a cottage jam of "Cherry Cabernet Jelly".

Was originally supposed to be salmon and left/over leeks but I fell down a rabbit hole looking at JOC recipes.
oops, almost forgot.... Just One Cook :D

So what's on your rabbit uhhh, I mean... plate?
Ginny, I'm really interested in that simplified version. Let us/me know how it works out. Love Chicken Cordon Bleu, even if it is from the 50's (?). But I think Chicken Kiev is even better LOL. Guess I'm just an 'oldie'.
Banh mi meatball lettuce wraps with a sriracha/kewpie mayo and a carrot/radish slaw and cilantro. Craig also had thinly sliced Fresno chilies on his.
Bah, @dragnlaw, today isn't the 3rd, it's the 10th. See how easy it is to put in the wrong date?*

I ended up using Wednesday's loaf of bread for toast. I made his (onion and mushrooms) and hers (mushrooms and spinach) omelets with paprika potato cubes. Fruit salad, too.

*I should have realized it isn't October. :LOL: I guess I just didn't process the European date format. Silly me..
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CG, I know saying 10-03-23 isn't the most popular way of doing the date.
European, military time is reversed - 23-03-10
American is 03-10-23

for me, it doesn't make sense, especially with just numbers being used.
I like to go day, month, year or year, month, day
but month, day, year seems out of order
I know it is 'said' March - 3rd - '23 and hearing it that way seems right but not when expressed numerically.
Just me, I guess... perhaps I'll stick with military 23-03-10 which is actually my preferred way.
CG, I know saying 10-03-23 isn't the most popular way of doing the date.
European, military time is reversed - 23-03-10
American is 03-10-23

for me, it doesn't make sense, especially with just numbers being used.
I like to go day, month, year or year, month, day
but month, day, year seems out of order
I know it is 'said' March - 3rd - '23 and hearing it that way seems right but not when expressed numerically.
Just me, I guess... perhaps I'll stick with military 23-03-10 which is actually my preferred way.
If you start with the year, with four digits, everyone seems to understand, e.g., 2023-03-10. That's my preferred format and the one used in Quebec. It eliminates ambiguity, especially in years that end in 01 to 12.
Check out CG's cordon bleu casserole: https://www.discusscooking.com/threads/i-dont-like-monday-cooking-8-24.105382/post-1633188
I have made it and it worked well and was delicious.
Thanks for the "hat tip" @taxlady.

If you start with the year, with four digits, everyone seems to understand, e.g., 2023-03-10...
Thanks for putting into words the thought that was rattling around in my head. It takes just a few seconds more to post a more complete date, or to spell out the entire name of a book or website. Maybe I'm lazy, but I don't want to work word or number puzzles when I pop in to read about food.
Thanks for the "hat tip" @taxlady.

Thanks for putting into words the thought that was rattling around in my head. It takes just a few seconds more to post a more complete date, or to spell out the entire name of a book or website. Maybe I'm lazy, but I don't want to work word or number puzzles when I pop in to read about food.
“Hat tip”?
Thanks for the link taxy - looks delish CG.

Maybe I'm lazy, but I don't want to work word or number puzzles when I pop in to read about food.
on this I certainly agree - I don't like to either but for me, it is a common occurrence at least 2 or 3 times a week. Someone will post an item by Brand or popular nickname only, never mentioning what the object is. eg. I smothered it in Dicleckperp. is that a paste, dry seasoning, liquid, sauce? Is it spicy, salty, sweet? So I look it up and find it is a popular spicy sauce available only in the southern regions. How was I to know?
LOL, my favourite is "I had a bunch of Dicleckperp for supper" Wha? pork chops, hamburger steaks, sirloin or other steak, a type of fish, etc.?? :ROFLMAO:

I too, have done it on occasion but usually when specificall talking to someone whom I know will understand. Like saying "I went to Timmy's" but I'm talking to taxy or someone else in Canada and they will know I'm referring to Tim Horton's, a Canadian coffee shop the equivalent to Dunkin Donuts in the States.
ps... and even here, I am assuming Dunkin Donuts is all across the States? Not just the eastern States?
I'm trying out a simplified version of Chicken Cordon Bleu...we'll see? We'll have that with some oven roasted baby potatoes and white corn, off the cob.
Here's a link to the "inspiration" for the meal: Weeknight Chicken Cordon Bleu - but I didn't follow the recipe too much. I did the slit, stuff portion, but then I used some melted margarine instead of mayo and I used crushed/seasoned Ritz crackers instead of the Panko. It was good! DH said, "you bought these"....harumph!

IMG_7109(Edited) (2).jpg
“Hat tip”?

It's often posted as "H/T" online, but I didn't dare use just initials considering the discussion at the moment. :ROFLMAO:
Here's a link to the "inspiration" for the meal: Weeknight Chicken Cordon Bleu - but I didn't follow the recipe too much. I did the slit, stuff portion, but then I used some melted margarine instead of mayo and I used crushed/seasoned Ritz crackers instead of the Panko. It was good! DH said, "you bought these"....harumph!

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I was toggling through and saw this photo come into view and I could have sworn that was our dinner last night!

Those Potatoes were the best!
Here's a link to the "inspiration" for the meal: Weeknight Chicken Cordon Bleu - but I didn't follow the recipe too much. I did the slit, stuff portion, but then I used some melted margarine instead of mayo and I used crushed/seasoned Ritz crackers instead of the Panko. It was good! DH said, "you bought these"....harumph!

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Looks good, but I can't see the recipe. :( Need to pay to join.

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