What is your favourite cheesecake topping?

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
I am catering a small house wedding this Saturday. The couple have both been married before and are just having about 40 people so they didn't want the traditional wedding cake or cupcakes. I suggested cheesecake and they were really excited.

So, I am making large New York Cheescakes and toppings on the side. I am doing a berry sauce, chocolate, caramel pecan and for something different strawberries in brown sugar and balsamic vinegar.

I was wondering what other people's favourite toppings are and that maybe I should change or add to the list.
I'm not picky, just throw a can of cherry pie filling at me (ok near me) and I'm good!!
Hmmm, seems as I was going for the gourmet and it is the simple that people want!

Yes, Andy it is a simple New York Cheesecake - just has a creme fraiche layer baked on top.

But keep them coming, these ideas are great!
I'm odd.. I like mine plain. I love the taste of cheese cake just as it is.
I like to chop up chocolate bars and sprinkle that over the cheesecake, so Mars bars, Kit Kat, Cherry Ripe, that kind of thing.
WHY did you have to bring up cheesecake?!? Now I'm going to crave it until I get some! lol. I think my favorite is a nice simple raspberry, or a mixed berry topping. Blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries make a nice mix.
What I suggest to those getting one of my cheesecakes (New York) is (are?) ice cream toppings.

I suggest serving them the same way the particular topping is suppose to be served. IE: Heat Hot Fudge, Pineapple and strawberry at room temperature, and so on.

Whipped cream is good too.

I think the next time I make a cheese cake I'm going to put together an ice cream bar with the thought of people building their own sundays using cheesecake in stead of ice cream. A good New York will handle it easily.

My favorite cheesecake is an Amaretto with chocolate wafer crust. It's a sin to put a topping on it.
Toppings???????? hum, let' see.............toppings?????

THE ROOF OF MY MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(berries are good too!!!)

(me too B'sgirl)

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