Last thing that made you smile?

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My toddler "sharing" his colored pencils with his new sister. That is a HUGE deal because he is very possessive of his pencils!
Awww, Michelle, that is a such an awesome image. And your avatar of the two of them is adorable. You have a lovely family.
when my daughter wakes up in the morning I can hear her over the baby monitor....she doesn't wake up crying though, every morning i can hear her in the crib rolling around and talking gibberish to herself. Then I walk in and pick her up and she smiles at me and leans on my shoulder like she's hapy to see me. What a way to wake up!
welise i miss that!!!
my daughter is 2 1/2 and my last one. she's always been a yeller! Most days she wakes up and sings now, so I listen awhile, but sometimes she wakes up just mad at the world yelling "I DONT WANT TO SLEEP ANYMORE MOM!!!!
My boys never did that. They'd lay there talking to the cieling for an hour if I let them.
Suzi, I love the thought of her yelling out that she doesn't want to sleep anymore! I looked after a couple of boys several years ago and when the older one would wake up in the morning or from his nap he would always do raspberries into the baby monitor! Thankfully it never woke up his baby brother, but it sure would grab my attention
Hmmmmm! The last thing that made me smile? Pretty easy to answer.

Going outside onto the front porch and being "enveloped" by the thick, sweet fragrance of the honeysuckle vines. Almost like being "draped" in the perfume. Sooooooooooooo good!
seeing my husband when he got home, I immediately took him in to see my 2 new butter dishes. he picked them up and said, "Oh I didn't know they made depression glass in green" and of the other hand made clay one, he said, "That's neat, looks like something I would have made in my hippy days." then he gave me my MD present early, that really made me smiles, so I got 3 yeh!!!
A friend with trust issues opened up a little to me, it just felt good knowing I was gaining trust a little at a time, I just have to be patient
up early
getting dh his coffee/lunch for work
make my list which includes:
go to police dept and report vagrants in our neighborhood
go to TP and report the kids that hang out in front of my house plus report on car from there, again the dang TP, that sits in front of my house doing drugs, oh gee yeah!
take car to fix it shop to repair a number of things
go pick up moms meds and then go see her and bathe her
laundry for work
think about dinner some time today
call my music director and talk to him about Vienna next year and the Austrian festival to see if I'm going or not going to do it
learn to listen more and talk less, husbands scolding me:(
I spent the last four hours with my in-laws (no that isn't the smile, but it isn't that bad either :rolleyes:). We ended up taking them on a tour of the new warehouse at DH's work that is still being built, then we next door to the current one. It is kind of a Costco-like operation except the workers are in third stage recovery and are learning skills to get back into the workforce. I love all the guys but have my favourites, and one is a really shy man who can play classical piano like you wouldn't believe. He has been having a rough time the last week or two and when he saw me his eyes lit up and he gave me an (almost) toothless grin. We chatted for a few minutes and then as I was walking on and he was getting back to work I turned back and said "You have to come over one of these days and try out MY piano, it's a Heintzman Upright Grand". Well he just beamed from ear to ear and said shyly that he would love to take me up on that and I said I would make sure he did. That was an hour ago and my face and heart are both still smiling! It doesn't take much to brighten up these guys' lives and you get so much back.
WooHoo Babe! What color is it? We need more details, please.

it is a armstrong tile. white and a little offset on each tile has a small bunch of flowers. there is just a hint of blue in some of the flowers. 12by12tiles.

my house is done in blue accents and white( most of my furniture is white cept in puter/sewing room. there also is a hint of yellow here and there. the tile will be perfect i think. might have enough left to do small bathroom, which is a soft yellow and white. with the blue provided with hydrangas both on the wall and in a yellow ten pitcher. am i a little to into this house? probably!

i am so excited, looked at this on line for two months and finally said this is the one.

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It sounds lovely, Babe! I think blue and yellow are such pretty accent colors together - reminds me of a French country home. I hope you can posts some pictures when it's done. (Also, I think you are very brave to have white furniture. It makes me nervous to even think about it with 5 boys!)
today walking to the EL in the pouring rain:mad: with no umbrella:mad: I paused anayway like I always do to check on the crepe myrtle tree planted by the park commission in front of my neighbors house late last fall. I know they bud late but I was starting to worry that it hadn't made it through the winter because everything else is green allready and I was excited about having a crepe myrtle on the block (I got a Japanese Lilac this spring you just sort of get whatever they give you) Today I noticed it was covered in buds:rolleyes: I guess the warm weather we had plus all the rain finally woke it up.:mrgreen:
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David and Shannon brought me some beautiful roses yesterday. A combo birthday/Mom's day gift. It was a really nice visit. They both work Sunday so we celebrated a little early.

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