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      MoReese replied to the thread Pickled Garlic.
      Thank you for all your help. I didn't use as much sugar as the recipe called for so I will add a little more next time. And let it age...
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      MoReese replied to the thread Pickled Garlic.
      Thank you for answering my questions. Does aging take out the bite or do I need to use more sugar?
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      MoReese replied to the thread Pickled Garlic.
      Does longer boiling soften the garlic? Does the garlic have to age after putting in refrig?
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      MoReese reacted to blissful's post in the thread Pickled Garlic with Like Like.
      I canned it but there is no reason you must can it if you have room in the fridge for it. I have at least 6 small 1 cups jars of it, but...
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      MoReese reacted to Jade Emperor's post in the thread Pickled Garlic with Like Like.
      The sugar is really important. It doesn’t make it really sweet, but just takes the edge off the harsh vinegar. I have always used brown...
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      MoReese replied to the thread Pickled Garlic.
      I eat it plan.
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      MoReese replied to the thread Pickled Garlic.
      looking for recipe of ratio of vinegar to water, how much salt etc. How long do you let it sit after you turn off the heat? Wondering...
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