What is your favorite basic meal?

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Usually I make a pretty specific list of meals for the week, which require specific ingredients .
Occasionally, I get home late , or something happens which causes us to deviate from meals on the list. In cases like this, we have several " go - to" options where which are quick, easy and always have the ingredients in the house. These meals I'd consider our basic meals. (usually simple enough for my wife to throw together or heat up).

- Tacos
- Veggie burgers or Hot dogs with fries
- Multiple varieties of soups that were made in advance and frozen
- Veggie "Chicken" nuggets with multiple dipping sauces
- Felafel Salad (Salad, with crumbled felafel on top, marinated artichoke hearts, Kalamata olives , grape leaves ...)
- Hoagie (Probably our favorite, but have to watch carbs, so we dont eat it often)
* Pasta with some kind of throw together sauce ( whatever is in the produce bin that looks like its days are numbered)
* Quick (Clean up the fridge) stir fry

*The funny thing about the cleaning up the fridge dishes, is they usually come out the best, but I never pay attention to what I'm doing, so I rarely have a repeatable recipe.*
My favorite basic meal is a plate of texmex, which I cannot myself cook but I make sure I get some every week. It might be cheese enchiladas chili con carne or one of those paired with a cheese enchilada with queso which in Dallas is called cheese taco for no good reason, or it might be a hunk of skirt steak and beans and rice and tortillas

I have a lot of basic meals I like at home but I'm only cooking for me. And like another poster said it all depends what mood I'm in. This week I was in the mood for lemon baked chicken with paprika and green beans.

Last week I was in the mood for spaghetti and meat sauce.

And I love beef dishes that I just don't afford as often anymore like Mississippi pot roast with mashed potatoes I just made from baked potatoes or the Lipton hearty beef sandwiches which are so easy and might be next on my list. Or an easy beef stew that I got off somebody.

I could eat my mom's farmhouse chicken and noodles just about every day but they are a rolling out experience and so it usually only gets made a couple of times a year.

And last year I think my favorite repeat meal was pork loin chops in a flour and Lawry's seasoning dredge and fried, so quick and simple. Usually with some green beans or steamed vegetables.
My favorite basic meal is a plate of texmex, which I cannot myself cook but I make sure I get some every week. It might be cheese enchiladas chili con carne or one of those paired with a cheese enchilada with queso which in Dallas is called cheese taco for no good reason, or it might be a hunk of skirt steak and beans and rice and tortillas

I love old-school cheese and onion enchiladas. There is a place in Houston's Intercontinental Airport called Cadillac Mexican Kitchen and Tequila bar that make the best I've ever had.


As for quick and easy, have you tried the store branded tamales from HEB? They are very good. They are in the Meal Simple area of the store.

Homemade tamales are a lot of work, and hard to make by and for one person. I buy them at HEB, and make my own sauces and sides.


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Eating one now. In fact I was thinking of this exact thread premise.

Sliced kielbasa with bbq sauce, mashed potatoes and green beans, or peas.
Another is ham steaks, mashed potatoes and peas.

Simple food for us simple folk.
I love old-school cheese and onion enchiladas. There is a place in Houston's Intercontinental Airport called Cadillac Mexican Kitchen and Tequila bar that make the best I've ever had.

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As for quick and easy, have you tried the store branded tamales from HEB? They are very good. They are in the Meal Simple area of the store.

Homemade tamales are a lot of work, and hard to make by and for one person. I buy them at HEB, and make my own sauces and sides.

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I don't have an HEB but I have Central Market which is owned by them and they have always had those tamales. But I really don't know how to make a sauce I want on them. Your sauce looks good!
I just realized that my homemade chicken pot pie isn't really a 'basic' meal. It's very labor-intensive, especially since I make my own crust. So a basic meal for me would be wraps, I'd have to say. I buy the large burrito size tortillas and wrap up whatever I'm in the mood for or whatever I have on hand. My favorite is my BLT wrap. I eat lots of tomatoes, so I make BLT wraps often.

My other favorite wrap is shrimp, corn and diced (or roasted) red bell pepper. Sounds a little odd because of the corn, but it's just something I made up one day and have loved them ever since.

I also make 'pizza' out of the tortillas. Here's one that includes ham, pineapple and onions.


  • Ham Pineapple Onion Tortilla Pizza.jpg
    Ham Pineapple Onion Tortilla Pizza.jpg
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I don't have an HEB but I have Central Market which is owned by them and they have always had those tamales. But I really don't know how to make a sauce I want on them. Your sauce looks good!

HEB opened two new stores, Frisco and McKinney. I live halfway between them. They are always packed with customers, but they have some good foods. The Kroger I used to shop at is hurting, big time. I now use that Kroger like a 7-Eleven, just a place to buy a few items in a hurry.

As for a sauce for tamales, an easy cheat is to doctor up some Wolf Brand chili (no beans) with some cayenne powder or other chili powder (to your personal taste). I make my own chili powder, which is a lot hotter than the store bought stuff.

I also like those tamales as a quick snack. You can eat them with your hands. I just put a few shots of Cholulu hot sauce on them for snacking.

Yes, H-E-B is will love and likely to take over the market where it is close to other stores. I live in the Northeast part of Dallas so Central Market is the only one close to me and it's different from HEB.

If I ever make a poblano cream that's just like what I want and doesn't take too much time, then I might consider buying some of those tamales.

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