What did you eat on Monday, April 22, 2024?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Oven pot roast, mashed potatoes, baby spinach, and mushroom gravy.

Meal sized salad with caesar dressing (cashew cauliflower base). I was still hungry, so I had 3 baked tortillas w/salsa and avocado. I was still hungry and had a bowl of cooked carrots and brussel sprouts. I guess I should have eaten bigger meals earlier!
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Italian sausage fried rice.jpg
I made fried rice with already roasted Italian sausage from yesterday, brown basmati rice, an egg, diced carrot, green beans, broccoli, ginger-garlic pesto, corn, upland cress, and some Szechuan-style sauce. That was really good. I ate half, as planned. I have never had good results from nuking leftover stir fried food. This time I'm going to try frying it until it's warm.
Edited because, I somehow forgot to include a description.
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taxy, that looks like Sausage (of some sort), Green Beans, Peas, Corn, and a starch(?) maybe brown rice?

I was too tired to eat but I managed to munched on a leftover thigh, 1/4 wedge of potato while staring at the fridge.
taxy, that looks like Sausage (of some sort), Green Beans, Peas, Corn, and a starch(?) maybe brown rice?

I was too tired to eat but I managed to munched on a leftover thigh, 1/4 wedge of potato while staring at the fridge.
You did a good job of guessing. I managed to edit the post an include the description.

See how out of it I am. I had written what was in that dish, but didn't notice that the text part somehow didn't get included.
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