9/11 5th Anniversary

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Sous Chef
Jul 20, 2006
New Zealand
America in our Hearts 9/11

Just wanted you all to know that we are half way through 9/11/06 in New Zealand, and the events of 5 years ago are being discussed widely through the internet, newspapers, radio and television.

To anyone affected by that horrific day ( and I am sure it will be all of you), we are joined with you in remembering, and swear never to forget.

Peace and love from New Zealand

Although I have been put through the wringer as far as getting proper documentation this past week, I know it is all in part of keepping the U.S. safe from such a horrific event occuring again. Though I share a duel citizenship with the U.K., I call the U.S. home, and did/DO feel the full gravity of 9/11. Everyone will remember the day. Though I am "young", it is one of the defining moments not only to my generation, but to the world. I do not want to ever re-live or feel the way I felt ever again, like I did that day.

My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who was effected by 9/11.

Thanks, Lynan.
I still have a tough time comprehending this, let alone realizing it was 5 years ago. (I must be getting old and time is passing more quickly now.)

My sister and her husband will be in Liberty Park tomorrow looking over at the lights where the towers once were. I'm proud to say someone from my hometown is responsible for those. I'll be saying a prayer that this horror is never repeated, and that those who lost loved ones 5 years ago are beginning to heal.

In Remembrance of all.

Thanks... it was a hard day for all the world.
I'll never forget the sadness that I felt.
They say time heals all wounds... but I'm not sure the world will ever get over this one....
People world wide were effected by 9/11 - so its natural that we are all aware of the day and take stock and address how global terrorism has changed our outlook and world.

My thoughts are with US today, and for people who lost someone in 9/11 or the related attacks on other dates around the world.
My thoughts are with all the victims of 9/11...
five years ago the world changed to something much more cruelly...
Hope, it will never be forgotten.......
The memorials are the right thing to do. It gives tribute to those who died and helps those who survived.
People are still dying, however. 7 out of 10 first responders have developed lung disease or cancer as a result of being at ground zero, unprotected, for so long. The entire country, as survivors, must continue to be vocal to our government to do more to help these people, these americans.
Yes, a day of respect for the dead, it's the right thing to do. Please remember the first responders, too. That is also the right thing to do.

Thank you for this thread. The world was changed 5 years ago. We are all survivors.
Thank you Alix, this post is very thoughtful.

People are still losing loved ones. There has been death already, since 9/11 directly related to that day. 7 out of 10 first responders have contracted lung disease or cancer as a result of being at ground zero for so long, unprotected. We must do more for them and their families.

I believe we must remember the dead and help those still living.

Thank you again for such a thoughtful post.
VeraBlue said:
People are still dying, however. 7 out of 10 first responders have developed lung disease or cancer as a result of being at ground zero, unprotected, for so long.

Vera, I've never heard of this before until saturday evening in a documentaion about 9/11 and what followed..
I'm so sorry for all this people who wanted to help and didn't know they risked their lifes..

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