A game we all can play!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Banana mmmmm with walnuts, or ch. chips...or just plain...hmmm heated straight out of the oven...mmm....sure wish i had bananas!

Pork Steak or T-bones?
ummmm... lets go with the poodle skirt. 30 pounds to go before anything mini
will touch this body.

blonde hair, blue eyes
or brown hair, dark eyes?
mmmm thats a toughy, you certainly thru me here.....

I like em tall dark and handsome but tall blonde and absolutely gorgous works too!

Sense of humor or sense of shyness
Martin and Lewis

A bowl of oatmeal with butter, milk and brown sugar
or a freshly baked oatmeal cookie??
Fruit loops with a side of Lucky Charms.

Watch a baseball game
or get out there and play?
I would love to play the shortstop or secondbase, but alas... I am a lefty!! Though I don't follow baseball much like I used to, I would always enjoy a nice evening out in a ball park!! "take me out to the ball game, take me out the croooowwwwd!!"

figure skating or ice hockey?

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