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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Piccolina said:
Gilligan, totally!
James got me the first 2 seasons of Gilligan for Christmas!

Ice Skating (although I can't do it anymore!)

Salt and Vinegar potato chips or BBQ potato chips?

:) Barbara

Willy Wonka Chocolate bar or E.T.'s Reese's Pieces?
(Do you know that M&M turned them down, which is why they used Reese's Pieces in the movie? Reese's Pieces sales went way up)

:) Barbara
E.T.'s Reese's Pieces (Very cool piece of trivia Barbara, I was not aware of that fact, thanks for sharing it :))

Washing up all of the Christmas dishes or taking down the Christmas tree?
Taking down the Christmas tree!

(a tradition for some at New Year's)--Blackeyed peas, yes or no? If yes, do you cook them at a particular time? (We were taught that you should be cooking them as the year turns at midnight).

:) Barbara
No we don't do that, but tit sounds like a neat tradition :) Do you know what the history behind cooking them at midnight is? In Italy they traditionally eat lentils in many regions for New Year's, I wonder if the custom of eating blacked eyed peas descended from there?

Popping a cork (at midnight on New Year's) or kissing your sweetie?

Hard to choose, but I suppose a lightening storm

onion soup or split pea?


movies--side splitting funny or 10 kleenex tear jerkers?


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