A trip to the moon

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
if I drove from here on earth to the moon at 60mph, how long would it take?
How about from here to the sun?
This guys getting there pretty quick


Questions like these make me realize how tiny we humans are. I am also humbled by the vastness of the universe.
Questions like these make me realize how tiny we humans are. I am also humbled by the vastness of the universe
Right, ok, here's a number for you. The universe is about 93 billion light years across and traveling at light speed it would take 93 billion years, we definitely would need to pack a lunch. :w00t2:
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And since we can't travel at the speed of light or survive if we could, we're probably not going to be going much further than our own solar system anyway.
Keep a copy of this thread in your Cryonic casket. Then you can look up the rest of our future offspring and tell them about how we didn't believe it. :unsure::alien:
Keep a copy of this thread in your Cryonic casket. Then you can look up the rest of our future offspring and tell them about how we didn't believe it. :unsure::alien:
Is it really a casket? It's kind of scary sounding.

I had thought it was a pod.
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