Little Struggles, Doing Laundry
It's dawning on both DH & I that my Mother is very regimented.
By that I mean that she does certain things on certain days, and she does not vary one
iota from that!
For instance, doing her laundry.
This must, and I mean
must be done on Friday!
Here's the rub, some Fridays, we have other things to do.
Why does that matter you may be asking yourself,
We have those new fangled computerized front loading washer and dryer that Mom just can't get right. I've given her five "in service training" sessions, I've printed out a step-by-step instructional card that I even laminated and hung up in the Laundry Room ...
She gets up usually before I do and asks DH to help her.
DH: I have no idea on this Earth how those things work. The Girl has shown me over and over again and I don't get it. Mom, you just have to wait for The Girl and ask her.
I'm known as The Girl
One Friday, I saw that she kept fussing with the dryer.
She must have gone to check if the clothes were dry 4 or 5 times.
Finally I intervened.
Moi: Mom what are we doing here?
Mom: There's something wrong with this dang contraption you call a dryer!
Moi: Really? Let's take a look
Somehow she had turned the heat off completely and DH said that it had been running for over an hour; he had been keeping track of the situation and was just about to call me for assistance.
At this stage of the game I told Mom that I would take over the laundry situation and she should just let me know when she needed it done.
Here's where the little struggle begins.
It's all about control... Mom is the sort of person who needs to be in control, at all times. She's still the Mom and I'm just a kid in her eyes.
She insists that I start her laundry before 8am ... ummmm, I'm not an early riser, I'm retired, I don't have to do that anymore!
When I do get up, on any given Friday, the first words out of her mouth as I emerge from our bedroom still rubbing the sleep from my eyes is not "Good Morning Honey" but "I need my laundry done!" and
not in a very nice tone either.
Today, I responded back with "I don't think that we're going to have time to do that today Mom. We have other things that we really need to attend to."
DH gave me a huge thumbs up from the other room, where Mom couldn't see him.
Moi: We'll catch that tomorrow, okay Mom?
Mom: Yeah, okay I
Moi: Do you have clean clothes to wear for tomorrow?
Mom: Yes
Moi: Well then there ya go
I got another big thumbs up from DH.
My house, my rules ... little struggles, we'll work around them.