Am I the only diet soda fan?

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The only thing that I drink lots of that comes close to soda is champange! Dang that stuff is good!

OK sattie - if we don't get together and drink Champagne it's just going to be a really sad thing!!!!! Champagne crossed my mind when I first read this. The LEAST we can do is agree on a bottle, each buy it, and drink it at the same time while chatting here at DC.

Can you believe I actually have a couple friends who don't like it? That's ok, it leaves more for me! :LOL:
What!!!!! Not like champagne? Oh, pleazzzzze. I'll use any excuse to drink champagne. Told you I didn't care for water. Didn't say what I REALLY liked.:LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

Yea, people actually say Champagne is for special occasions - WHATEVER! :LOL: 5:00 PM (ok, heck, sometimes 5:00 AM too) is a special occasion!
I always hated any diet drinks. Then something weird happened. My doctor told me I am diabetic, and I instantly loved diet pop and stopped liking regular! I still love tea with sugar but can drink it with Splenda.

IF I drink a diet coke, which is VERY rare, I like to squeeze a wedge of orange in it. Try it - it's awesome! If my blood sugar is a bit low then it's the real deal and if I'm at home when that happens, I want a squeeze of lime in it.

I was wondering when/if someone would mention that.

Personally, I detest diet anything. On the occasion that I imbibe in diet pop, I want a sqeeze of lime in it. It really does help the flavor.

I don't really care for diet coke that has lime already added to it. I prefer fresh-squeezed by myself.
I had a problem reading the original post because of the formatting ... it might be an artistic expression - but it sure caused me problems trying to read it.

If the question was what diet soda I drink - Diet Dr. Pepper is about it, that racks up to about 3-6 cans per year. I don't drink much soda to begin with.

Diet Champagne? :LOL: huh???
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Can't do the diet thing. When I did, I wanted to pinch the taste off my tongue.
I buy a case of caff. free Pepsi and it lasts about 6 months.
My drinks of choice are sparkling water/seltzer, if I have - a slice of orange,
Iced coffee w/ cream and sugar, and ... get this...
Canned, unsweetened grapefruit juice.
Regular soda is just too sewwt for me.... except Cherry Coke. then I gotta have the real thing.
I only drink a soda once every 2 weeks or so. The only 2 I really drink are Diet Coke w/ lime or regular Diet Pepsi. I bought a 24 pack of each around Christmas and I still have most of it!
I make my own diet sodas (Soda Club) and control the syrup and the bubbles, which is a lot better than the commercial diet stuff and I have no cans or bottles to deal with.
I drink mostly water and sweetened iced tea, but my husband drinks Diet Coke alot. It's his beverage of choice.
Can you believe I actually have a couple friends who don't like it? That's ok, it leaves more for me!

She ain't in to wine and roses, beer just makes her turn up her nose, and, she can't stand the thought of sippin' champagne - Whiskey Girl, by Toby Kieth

I like Coke Zero, which I usually buy by the case, and once in a while I get the urge for a Diet Sunkist orange soda. Last week-end I bought three 12 packs of Diet Sunkist because Smart & Final had it on sale. The sign said: Three 12 packs for $9.00, limit 8. I was an English major, so I'm still trying to figure out the math on THAT one!
I really don't like artificial sweeteners - they taste so ... artificial. I have a cup of coffee with sugar and flavored creamer in the morning, water at work all day, and usually a glass or two of wine in the evening. Sometimes I have a Cosmo or two instead of wine. In the summer, I like to make sangria or lemonade with a shot of Chambord.

I very occasionally have a regular Coke - it seems like that only drink that goes with tacos, pizza and BLTs (I'm not a beer drinker).
I love Diet Coke and Fresca, but I don't drink them all that often. Most of the time I can be found sipping water. But never regular sodas! I find that they leave an awful aftertaste.
The sign said: Three 12 packs for $9.00, limit 8. I was an English major, so I'm still trying to figure out the math on THAT one!

I had a problem reading the original post because of the formatting ... it might be an artistic expression - but it sure caused me problems trying to read it.
Good to see you MIDFW...........been a long time.
Now, you see I changed it, for you.
This isn't the first time I've been called out for centering.
It is an artistic expression. Plus I just like it better.
Sorry though if it was hard for you to read that way.
I was asked to not do it quite a while back, I relented and then thought, puhhhhhh....:ohmy:
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I make my own diet sodas (Soda Club) and control the syrup and the bubbles, which is a lot better than the commercial diet stuff and I have no cans or bottles to deal with.

Is it better as far as taste or what's in it? I'm going to look in to this one more.
How much does on pitcher make? I'm trying to figure out the cost compared to the store bought also.

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