Anyone have any favorite Quiche Cookbooks?

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
My wife has been on a Quiche kick the past few weeks, so I was thinking of getting her a few quiche pans along with a quiche cookbook for the holidays.

Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions.

Doesn't have to be strictly vegetarian, but a decent variety of vegetarian options would be great.

We use recipes from "Micky Mouse", but they usually contain stuff like bacon or crab. Hey, make a "clean out the fridge" frittata? You can put the ingredients in a pie shell as well.:yum:
No quiche cookbooks here. Internet/ magazine clippings and ask for the recipe when a friend makes one you especially like.

My "standard" if you will, quiche has 3 eggs/ 11/2 cups milk or light cream and about 1 1/2 cups grated cheese. Cheese amount varies with what other ingredients are used.

A favorite filling is 2 jars artichokes, drained and coarse chopped. 1 small onion sautéed in some of the artichoke oil, a little garlic. I like cheddar with this one. You can use the rest of the oil to make a salad dressing.

Other good combos I like are thin sliced apple/ onion/ cheddar or pear with swiss and a scattering of fresh herbs on top-- thyme leaves, a spare amount of rosemary or just parsley.

Jalapeno or serrano chilies are good friends with quiches.
Can't help you either. I just fling together whatever I have in the fridge for quiche. I don't like crust, so my concoctions are probably more like frittatas.

Martha Stewart may have a quiche cookbook.
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My favorite combo is Havarti, turkey and roasted red peppers.

Maybe put together a printout of DC Members' Favorite Quiche Recipes :yum: ;)

Not a bad idea, Garlic. Lets see if we can get about 10 - 20 different quiche recipes (preferably non meat).

So far, she's tried a spinach/feta, Broccoli/onion, and a zucchini.

We were in The Floyd Country Store, in Floyd VA, and she had a wonderful Ricotta/ Zucchini quiche which she'd love the recipe for .
Can't help you either. I just fling together whatever I have in the fridge for quiche. I don't like crust, so my concoctions are probably more like frittatas.

Martha Stewart may have a quiche cookbook.

Same here....or omelets. I usually just use what I've got in the fridge.

I hope you find what you're looking for, Larry - there's got to be a great quiche cookbook or two out there that you can surprise the Mrs. with, along with some beautiful pans that she would love. :wub:
Years ago Pet Ritz put out a cookbook. I am sure it is on line now. They sold premade pie crusts, so all you had to do was make the filling and the topping.
No help here, but a story.

Many years ago when quiches were all the rage, my first gf and I went out one night to a swanky restaurant for dinner.

As we read the menu (while being browbeaten by the sommelier), my gf asked, "What's the quickie of the day?" mispronouncing the word quiche.

I replied, " That's later, honey, if this guys lnows his stuff."

The sommelier burst out laughing and said he'd get us a nice bottle at a good price knowing we were babes in the woods.

We ended up with a bottle of '85 Ruffino Chianti Riserva Ducale Gold. Who knew we were drinking a great wine?

To this day, I cannot hear or read the word quiche withput thinking of that laugh, and that wine.

Ok, sorry, back to vegematarians and egg pies.
Darn, CG, you're making me look bad. I was just gonna post search results so as not to pirate the thread.

Wait. now that made it worse.

Curse you, CG. :glare:

Larry, I will ask all of the vegematarians that I know about quiche. I swear it.

(don't hold your breath; I don't know a lot.)

But I will.

Tomato and Onion Quiche

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Pie Crust or Puff pastry in 9" pie pan
Layer bottom with sautéed onions ~ 1 cup
Next layer sliced tomatoes to cover bottom
Sprinkle grated Swiss Cheese over, about 1-1 1/2 cups
Whisk 4 eggs and 1 cup cream together and pour over.

Bake for 30-40 minutes until edges are browned and the mixture is still jiggly in the middle, allow to cool in the pan for 20-30 minutes before serving. Can serve warm or cold.
I don't know of a quiche cookbook but here are some ingredient combo ideas:

Leek, gorgonzola
Spinach, emmenthal (a type of swiss), nutmeg
Eggplant, roasted red bell pepper
Mushroom, gruyere
Montrachet goat cheese, toasted pecans
Roasted vegetables: zucchini, bell pepper, onion, eggplant, feta
Broccoli, cheddar
Mushroom, spinach, brie, shallots
Caramelized onion, mushroom, gruyere
Kalamata olives, blanched green beans, potatos, anchovies, feta
Mushroom, sage, caramelized shallots, gruyere

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