Anyone use liquid smoke?

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
I used a a few times on steak and it was so so----nothing special. I am interested to know that if you use it what do you use it on?
I wouldn’t just put it on a steak. I use it in sauces and in basting liquids for slow roasted recipes.
Hmm, on steak?

I've found it can be used well in tiny amounts, but too much is noticable. You can tell that it's liquid smoke, not actually smoked foods.

I remember watching Alton Brown make his own liquid smoke by capturing it on top of some contraption that he assembled.
I use liquid smoke as well, in soups, stews. gravies, and sauces, anywhere I want a little smoky flavor. I prefer the mesquite flavor to the hickory.

You have to use it sparingly as it's very strong, and too much can easily ruin a good recipe.

For meats. I'll use it for pork, and poultry, as part of a wet rub, or BBQ sauce. A touch is good in mac & cheese, and in chili. It's also good in legume soups. I wouldn't use it by itself as a seasoning, or rub.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
Our son uses it when he makes beef jerky. I use a few drops in a cheesy cauliflower soup, and as part of the seasonings when making spare ribs in the slow cooker.
I've used it in a marinade for tofu before baking and in baked beans and lastly split pea soup!
Marinades ( especially ones that will ultimately wind up on he grill). Mom vegetarian stuff doesnt cook the same way its meat counterparts do due to either lack of or just different types of fat. therefore, they burn on a grill. I usually precook, then finish off on he grill ( with a little marinade hit up with a little liquid smoke, to give it that grill-like flavor.
, BBQ sauce , Pea soup ( or any recipe that may call for a ham hock or something like that to stew for awhile ), chili. and probably a bunch of other things I can think of at the moment .

As mentioned multiple times above, a a few drops goes a long way. many have a tanginess in addition to the smoky flavor, so need to take this into consideration.

Some stir fry dishes to give a smokey flavor , since my wok will never reach the heat the ones in the Chinese restaurants do.
I always have it at the ready in the fridge. But for some reason never use it. I am always concerned it would over power.
Also what brand do most use or find is the best? I have, I think its called Colgins. Something like that.
I always have it at the ready in the fridge. But for some reason never use it. I am always concerned it would over power.
Also what brand do most use or find is the best? I have, I think its called Colgins. Something like that.

I used to love Wright’s in the square blue bottle. But now all I can find is Stubb’s. I have mesquite and kickory flavors.
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