Argentine Cookies??

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Assistant Cook
Oct 9, 2006
Eastern Kansas
Hello everyone,
As some of you may know, I'm a college student (studying Spanish and special education). My Spanish teacher this semester is from Argentina and he's really an amazing teacher and overall nice guy. In his class, he has a rule about cell phones - if your cell goes off during class, you have to bring in cookies the next class period! Well I happened to forget to turn my phone off one day guessed it, my brother called me and I had to bring in cookies! After a quick google search for Argentine cookies I made some alfajores and they were a big hit with the other students and especially with my teacher. His face was priceless when he saw what I'd made.... question...since Profe. is taking a semester vacation in the Spring, and I'm transfering to a 4 year university next Fall, I wanted to make something else for him. Ja, I know, it's early to be thinking about the end of the semester, but I figure I can also keep any ideas in the back of my mind in case of another phone call :angel: Does anyone know any Argentine cookies I can make, besides the alfajores??
You can make a batch of simple butter biscuits, then give it an Argentinian flair and sweet, creamy deliciousness by making sandwiches with Dulce de Leche... I love that stuff. It's really sweet so you may want to keep the amount of the sugar a bit low on the biscuits though.:)
Welcome to DC. I don't have any receipes for Argentine Cookies. Try different Cooking Sites and always come back to DC.

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