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Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
The last several months have been nothing, if not, probematic.

Learned a short while ago that my youngest brother has been diagnosed with brain cancer, as a result of lung cancer. He has been a 50 year+ plus smoker and it has metastasized into his brain.

There were 6 tumors. Recently, he had surgery to remove 2, they thought they could remove 3 masses. The third one was too problematic to chance.

It's been a tough road because I spent a large portion of my life taking care of him after our father died and our mother vaporized.

Not sure what the outcome will be. Just taking each day at a time
Katie, I truly can not imagine what that would be like
to have that kind of news and deal with
everything that goes along with it.
You must be a very strong woman and I'm so glad
that your brother has you to help him along this journey.

I hope that you take time to re-charge and take care of yourself.

I send my most heartfelt, warmest ALOHA to you
and your family in this time of turmoil.
So sorry to hear about your brother's cancer
I will pray for him and you because you have been
thru so much.

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Thank you, everyone.


Brother had 3 doctors' appointments this week...oncologist, etc.

So far, cancer is in both lungs, lymph nodes, brain, along with a clot in his left leg.

Plan is to do chemo for the lungs, lymph nodes and clot. As it turns out, according to the med professionals, the brain doesn't respond well to chemo, so radiation will be the option for that treatment.

Realistically, in my mind, this doesn't seem to be a treatment that will allow him to last too long.

However, things can happen with miracle-like events. Praying for that.

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