Blank emails from DC?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
Is anyone else getting blank emails from DC? I usually get lots of email, telling a me about new posts in my subscribed threads (I know I can turn that off. I have it set that way on purpose.) but I've gotten two that have no content whatsoever. I have looked at the raw email, and it isn't just invisible.
Are you able to see the thread? I think its possible that a spammer posted in your subscribed thread and someone deleted the post but you still got the email.
Are you able to see the thread? I think its possible that a spammer posted in your subscribed thread and someone deleted the post but you still got the email.
Yup, I see this thread. Usually when it's a spammer and the post gets deleted, there is a quote of their message, but when I click to see it on DC, I see a message I have already read. It's just the spammy post that is gone.

I got another one. They are completely blank other than saying that they are from DC.
DC Mods are just being thoughtful. They know you have a lot going on so they leave their emails blank so you don't waste time reading them.

You've ruined their efforts by starting this thread.
I have never had this happen with a DC email, but I have gotten blank emails before. Sometimes, if I hit "reply" it will show the message that the person sent to me. Strange, but it has happened a couple times. I found this out when someone sent me what looked like a blank email, and when I went to tell them that there was nothing there, the message showed up.
I think we have this resolved - please post if you continue to see these.

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