Cape Cod Waffle Cup Seasoned Pepper Potato Chips Review.....

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
This is a brand new product from the company...

The chips in the bag are all on the small side with a possible few medium sized chips.

Alexia snackfoods first attempted this idea with something that looked way more like a frozen food waffle cut potato. This item though was thin like a regular potato but was waffle cut...

The flavor was really good.

The product was nice and crunchy, BUTTTTT

The main problem with the product is the poor execution of the waffle cut chip.

The front of the bag shows off two 100% perfectly cut waffle chips. Your best best from a large chip was 70% perfect waffle cut chip. It must have been really hard to get the holes in small chip...

I will still give this item a medium sized thumbs up.
onto the sea salt flavor review...

This bag was better on the concept than the first flavor I had.

This bag had bigger chips.

This bag had a better execution of the waffle cut concept.

The chips were nice and crunchy.

I will give this potato chip a big thumbs up.
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