Caramalised Onions

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Sous Chef
Jan 14, 2009
London, England
This is the easiest way I've found to cook caramalised onions, & it works!
I tried these out last week, used a batch of them & froze the rest for upcoming meals, especially BBQ's. My friend has a wedding anniversary in July with about 70 people invited, so this method will work perfectly, (it will be mad enough on the day!) & it means guests can help themselves & the food stays hot!!


I used a mix of red and white onions, the red ones will loose a bit of colour but the sweetness remained. It worked perfectly, in fact it made it so much easier.
They tasted just the same as the wok method but far less hassle, you just throw them in the pot and let them do their thing!
We used some of them for onion gravy and froze the rest in small portions.
FYI At 12 hours they still had a slight crunch, at 14 hours they are completely soft.

Caramalised onions

Makes 3lb 8oz Caramalised onions
Prep Time 10 mins
Cooking Time 12-14 hours

  • 3lbs 8oz Red and white onions, peeled
  • 4oz Unsalted butter, sliced

  • Set the slow cooker (crock pot on high for 15 minutes)
  • Thinly slice the onions, I used a V slicer
  • Lay the onions in the slow cooker and put the sliced butter on top
  • Turn the heat down to low and cook for 12 –14 hours
  • Stir once or twice or just leave them over night


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