Christmas Cookies!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
SO started today. She made 154 frosted anise cookies and a bunch of sugar cookies.

My eldest started Christmas baking the day after Thanksgiving and baked around 1,000 cookies through that weekend.

What have you all been doing in this arena?
This is my list for this year:

Pecan Tassies
Cream Cheese and Jelly Thumbprint Cookies
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Spiced Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
Sugar Cookies
Peanut Butter Cookies
Pecan Sandies
Gingerbread Cookies
Chocolate Macadamia Cookies With White Chocolate Chunks
Peppermint Bark

Yesterday I made the dough for the first 5 and put in the freezer.
I'll make the rest on Wednesday.

I'll start baking about a week or so before Christmas.

The Peppermint Bark will be done a day or two before needed for gift trays.

I'll do another batch tomorrow.
I started early. The chocolate almond cookies are all gone and we are currently working on chocolate chip cookies. I'll be making Mexican Wedding cakes/cookies soon.
Pecans! They're so good. We buy a big bag at Costco. All shelled and ready to go. I use them to make a pecan pie at Thanksgiving and SO makes pecan cookie balls.

This past Thanksgiving when I was preparing to bake a pecan pie, I collected the ingredients which included a new, full, unopened bag of pecans and another bag that was maybe ¼ full. I brought them both to the kitchen in case the partial bag was not enough to complete the pie.

I made the pie. The nuts in the partial bag we more than enough to make the pie so I didn't have to open the new, full, unopened bag of pecans.

Fast forward to this week. SO is getting ready to make her pecan cookie balls and asks me where the pecans were. I told her they were in the usual place. However, neither of us could find the bag of nuts. We have our pantry in the basement. Dedicated shelving that holds kitchen supplies and more. Perishable items like nuts go in the freezer so they won't become rancid.

They are nowhere to be found. I mean we searched everywhere they could logically be. Then I searched places they would never be. I looked on other shelves, behind shelves, behind the freezer, in cabinets... you get the idea. No pecans. This is driving me CRAZY! I'm a very organized person. (That sounds better than, "I have OCD") so I almost never lose anything.

I'm convinced they are here somewhere in the house. We are going to Costco later this week and will have to buy another bag of pecans. No doubt the original bag of pecans will reappear as soon as we bring the new bag home.

I guess I'll have to come up with some more pecan recipes.

Have any of you seen my pecans?
We're more of a walnut family around here, Andy. However, my BIL gave some local NC pecans that he gathered to Himself when we were visiting. Still in the shells, but I'll sneak them to you if you want to meet halfway. [emoji16] PS: don't tell Himself...
We're more of a walnut family around here, Andy. However, my BIL gave some local NC pecans that he gathered to Himself when we were visiting. Still in the shells, but I'll sneak them to you if you want to meet halfway. [emoji16] PS: don't tell Himself...

Thanks for the offer. We use a lot more walnuts than pecans. Our Costco bag of walnuts is even bigger than the bag of pecans. I always add nuts when I can. Cookies, muffins, brownies, whatever.
I find that chopped pecans work well in a salad. I like the texture as a salad ingredient better with pecans than with walnuts.
Andy, did you find that stray bag of Pecans yet?

No. I've given up.

While I'm very organized, SO is the exact opposite. She can never find her things, glasses, keys, phone, etc. I suspect she put them somewhere weird because she was not paying attention and didn't even realize it.

Don't tell anyone I said that.
I finished making my cookie dough, and they are in the freezer (10 varieties). I'll start baking next week.
Baked 5 types of cookies yesterday.

Pecan Tassies (2 batches)
Cream Cheese and Jelly Thumbprint Cookies
Sugar Cookies
Peanut Butter Cookies
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