Cost Plus World Market Is Closing Its Doors

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
The other morning, DH was reading the newspaper
and told me that World Market is going out
of business!


I knew I needed to make a run over there to pick up
his favorite Anchovies.


These little jars are like gold!
I can't find these just any ole place
here in Cowboyville! :LOL:

Dontcha know, I get there this afternoon
and the place was PACKED!
I grabbed a basket and made a bee-line
to the back of the store where all
of the food items are...

There's where all those folks that parked outside went!

Of course, the Anchovies were gone,
but I got two bottles of Mumm's Champagne
for the price of ONE!!!
And look the haul that I got!



Somethings are going to be Christmas
gifts for my Mom, and some will stay here.

I'm most excited about the small juice glasses
that my Italian In-Laws use as their wine glasses.
I broke my last one quite awhile ago,
and have been having a devil of a time finding
:clap: :w00t2::in_love:
I got a little panicked by your post, thinking that BB&B was closing all World Market locations. Turns out corporate is closing about 200 stores across ALL of their brands. *phew* I hope the Cost Plus near our kids is still open whenever we finally feel comfy enough to travel to OH again.

Glad you got to get at least a few of your favorite items.
I got a little panicked by your post, thinking that BB&B was closing all World Market locations. Turns out corporate is closing about 200 stores across ALL of their brands. *phew* I hope the Cost Plus near our kids is still open whenever we finally feel comfy enough to travel to OH again.

Glad you got to get at least a few of your favorite items.

DH was none too happy, he's on his last jar of anchovies!

I had to really rein myself in and not just toss
everything I saw into my basket!
Thank goodness I didn't have a cart!
Oh no! That's where I get my fabric shower curtains. Closest one is in Denver and travel to Colorado is banned for me (work rule) unless it's for doctors appointments.
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Oh no! That's where I get my fabric shower curtains. Closest one is in Denver and travel to Colorado is banned for me (work rule) unless it's for doctors appointments.

Maybe give them a call in the morning to see id they're
part of the closure?
Dunno, I was under the impression that all World Markets
were closing?

I know that our store here in Cowboyville,
hardly ever had another soul in it
whenever I went ... :(
That would be sad if they close.

It is a family tradition to do a good amount ifnour Christmas shopping there.

Lots of great food and fun items.
I got a little panicked by your post, thinking that BB&B was closing all World Market locations. Turns out corporate is closing about 200 stores across ALL of their brands. *phew* I hope the Cost Plus near our kids is still open whenever we finally feel comfy enough to travel to OH again.

I have never been to the store. What is it like? I see that in Mass, the only location is in Framingham. There is also a location in Salem, NH.
It's a little bit like a TJMaxx, but without the clothes. They have a kitchenware section with a limited amount of basics, dinnerware, and glassware. They sell home furnishings like dining room table and chairs, side chairs, rugs, window treatments. But the best part for browsing is the food section. All kinds of fun things back there. So much fun, in fact, that Himself usually goes into the store with me just to get lost in those aisles. [emoji38] And the man is seriously allergic to retail stores.

Edit: The one I shop when we're back home also sells beer and, I think, wine. Not sure if they do in Framingham or Salem.
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When I was a young, newly married guy, we would take a drive to SF (125 miles north of home) to shop at Cost Plus.

At the time, it was a rather exotic store, filled with very inexpensive items we could afford. Rugs, furniture, kitchen items, all very cool, according to our friends.

For years, we were thrilled shopping at Cost Plus as they expanded through out Cali.

At some point, Cost Plus became "upscale". Now they are going out of business. I'm not surprised as many other stores, most of us know, have replaced them in communities. Not as exotic or cheap as the old Cost Plus, but affordable and fun.

I was just thinking about that Pepper Dave, but then I thought,
y'know, we could drive to the Big City, visit the World Market
that's still open and have a nice lunch out :idea: save the S&H cost
and spend that on the gasoline! ;)

Yup.. A nice drive, a meal, a bit of shopping.. This would be our choice.. :)

Now I just need to pry him outta his La-Z-Boy :LOL: Since this SIP,
he's diggin it ... don't have to get dressed, shave on occasion (reads, when I'm fed up this his whiskers), you get the picture, or maybe you don't really want to :ROFLMAO:

LOL. . I can't start my day without a shower and clean clothes. I do admit to not shaving daily but, can't go more than 2 days before having to.

Mrs. Neighbor-Two-Doors-Over and I went to do some retail therapy & lunch today and she wanted to see what was left at Cost Plus World Market... not much! :LOL:
I did score two nice quality Martini glasses, the last two, for less than $2USD!
Mrs. NTDO said, "Perfect! Now I can have a proper Cosmo when I come over to visit!" ;) (When we visit each other, we BYOB and the hostess provides the glassware) :stuart:
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