Could We Get A New Category?

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
Aloha Admin/Mod folks!

I was thinking, maybe we could get another category or Sub-category for Instant Pot Cooking?
As I am a newbie to this world, I am coming to find this is a huge genre in and of itself in the cooking world.
I must have watched 10 different people's You Tube videos just last night, not to mention the whole Instagram stuff...
Good idea, KGirl! The IP, as well as other brands of multi-cookers, have gotten incredibly popular in recent years, almost a cult! I use mine for countless foods since I got it, and we keep seeing more and more recipes designed for them, as in Milk Street, where the book Fast & Slow has a bunch of good ideas, plus a lot of recipes that start the same, then branch of, showing a version in pressure cook mode, and another version in the slow cook mode. Great idea, and they have at least one such recipe in each issue.

BTW, here's a link to one of those free "classes"
MS has on the Instant Pot, with a lot of ideas I would have never thought of!
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Good idea, KGirl! The IP, as well as other brands of multi-cookers, have gotten incredibly popular in recent years, almost a cult! I use mine for countless foods since I got it, and we keep seeing more and more recipes designed for them, as in Milk Street, where the book Fast & Slow has a bunch of good ideas, plus a lot of recipes that start the same, then branch of, showing a version in pressure cook mode, and another version in the slow cook mode. Great idea, and they have at least one such recipe in each issue.

BTW, here's a link to one of those free "classes"
MS has on the Instant Pot, with a lot of ideas I would have never thought of!

thumbs up.jpg

Mahalo Dave!
YES! +3 on that motion! An Instant Pot/Pressure Cooking sub-forum would be wonderful.
Aloha Admin/Mod folks!

I was thinking, maybe we could get another category or Sub-category for Instant Pot Cooking?
As I am a newbie to this world, I am coming to find this is a huge genre in and of itself in the cooking world.
I must have watched 10 different people's You Tube videos just last night, not to mention the whole Instagram stuff...

I mean, we have a Sous Vide Forum... Why not Electric Pressure Cooking? and then sub-categories such as tips & tricks, recipes, etc.
I was in Costco the other day and saw a new brand (to me at least) of EPC, Ninja® Foodi™

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