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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
Pasta Could Be Making You Depressed | Yahoo Health

If this was true, the Italy would be the sadest place in the world. Not the way i remember that country. Probably the most cheerful one I ever visited.
Who else eats more red meat and pasta but Italians. The people whio did the study need their brains studied, I'm sure there would be very little of them found.
Correlation does not equal causation. I've decided I'm not going to get my nutrition information from vague news reports. Except for the advice to drink wine and coffee ;)

Although Dr. Lucas was unable to explain the specific cause of carbohydrates' effect on mental health and the body’s immune response, he did provide a list of foods known to reduce the risk of depression and inflammation. Olive oil, coffee, wine, fish, and certain vegetables can help boost your mood and control inflammation.

I struggle to believe that carbs make you depressed when they've also been linked to firing off the pleasure and satisfaction centers in our brains. The only way they would depress ME is if I had to stop eating them! ;)

I struggle to believe that carbs make you depressed when they've also been linked to firing off the pleasure and satisfaction centers in our brains. The only way they would depress ME is if I had to stop eating them! ;)

Yes! And I forgot chocolate!
Chocolate! OMG! How COULD you forget chocolate? It goes so well with both coffee and wine. ;)
Drink coffee. NO, wait! DON'T drink coffee. Drink wine. No, wait! DON'T drink wine. Eat tuna. No, wait! DON'T eat tuna. There have been so many mixed messages over the years that, like GG, I tend to ignore most of them. Remember when oleomargarine was supposed to be better than butter? Now they say use butter instead, but sparingly.

I may or may not die from the foods I eat. But if I die eating the foods I really enjoy at least I go out with a smile! :stuart:
I agree!

As the old saying goes "a little of what you fancy does you good". And nobody did a scientific study to come up with those extremely wise words! ;)

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