Did I just ruin my non stick pan?

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Assistant Cook
Feb 22, 2021
Coatesville, PA
Made an omelet this morning in my Calphalon non stick omelet pan like I've done a hundred times before. I used my trusty spatula around the edges as I cooked the omelet on medium heat on my gas cook top. It took me a while but then I realized that my spatula was melting onto the pan. So here are my questions:
1) I can't scrub the plastic off of the pan. How can I remove this stuck on plastic residue?
2) Why did this time my spatula melt?
3) Do they sell high heat spatulas that I should invest in?
4) What do other cooks use to get around the edges of an omelet if not a spatula?

Thanks for the help.
It is a non-stick pan. maybe the spatula residue will scrub out easily. Do you have a Dobie scrubber sponge or a blue Scotch-brite sponge with a non-stick safe plastic scrubber on one side? Gi e that a try.

BTW. All my spatulas are high heat spatulas now. It's an easy transition to make.
Thanks. I have tried a non stick scrubber and it doesn't do anything. I tried my plastic scraper and it just smears it around.
I buy inexpensive silicone spatulas and "spoonulas" for not stick and my enamelled cast iron pans. They seem to have quite a lot of heat resistance and they don't scratch anything. The spoonulas (concave spoon-like spatulas) are my first choice for omelettes.

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