Dinner Weds, 26th of April, '23

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
so I got the chicken cooked... now have to find the energy to eat it. Taste testing is great. Found some frozen mashed potato, defrosted that. Just need to plate it up (and then that energy).


Recipe for "Creamy Garlic Chicken with Mushrooms" compliments of 'Seasons and Suppers'. Didn't change a thing - other than only doing one breast.
Frozen bag of Bertolli chicken florentine with farfalle cooked on the stovetop. Garlic bread made with a small sub roll from the freezer and homemade garlic/ParmR butter.

The meal was okay for a frozen dinner. I will add grated parm and a little bit of chicken broth and cream next time.

Lazy cooking night.
My B-I-L was in town, so we took him out for supper. We went to our favourite Mexican resto. I'm a little disappointed that a dish I used to enjoy there is no longer on the menu. DH had an enchilada con carne. BIL had a burrito/enchilada stuffed with chili con carne and a bunch of other stuff. I had "le bol", which had some salad ingredients, pulled lamb, guacamole, and a lime and honey vinaigrette. When I looked at the description on the menu, I didn't notice the vinaigrette description. I don't like hone or anything sweet in vinaigrette. It wasn't bad, but I wouldn't order it again. It usually comes with Mexican rice, but I told them not to put any because, it has tomato, which aggravates my arthritis. I can tolerate some tomato, if there aren't any seeds. I guess the plant puts most of the nightshade toxin (tomatine in the case of tomatoes) around/in the part of the fruit that is important to the plant.

It was an enjoyable outing, in spite of my "meh" meal.
I made a one dish meal tonight - something I made to use the last 3/4c of spelt, that was the oldest grain I had on the shelves. So cooked it by itself, before combining it with rice. I also soaked 1.5 oz of dried eggplant (just over a lb) in hot water, while doing the other things.

I made some sage/garlic based sausage, and also used 12 oz frozen ham, added after browning a large onion. After all the meat is cooked, I added some tomato paste, Worcestershire sauce, a little more salt (didn't need much more), some of that coriander/cumin powder, and some Syrian Oregano (thyme scented), plus a cup of parboiled rice, 3 c water (including 1/2 c white wine), and all that spelt and eggplant. I brought that to boil, then simmered 25 minutes. Looks just like rice, but it's almost half spelt.
The one dish meal I put together, with ham, sausage, eggplant, spelt, and rice, ready to cook. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The finished rice casserole, which I may add some other veggies to, with all the those leftovers. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
That's quite a deal, @caseydog. And a great looking Cuban. Nice to have you stop by.

There was just enough ham and bean soup for one, so I let Himself finish it. I made a dinner salad with various veggies, a sprinkling of shredded mozzarella, some sunflower seeds, a hard cooked egg, and chicken tenders we brought home from last night's Chick-fil-A run purchased specifically for the salad. Two different meals, two happy tummies. 20230426_203328.jpg
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