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Alix said:
Thanks Cinderelly. My girls say Hi back. (I hope Cinderella DisneyLAND is a better fit than Cinderella Disney WORLD, who looked like she stopped clocks for a living!)

Alix the Cinderella who was there Thanksgiving of 2003 was a good fit. They must have had a change. During the parade they had one night Savannah was waving & blowing kisses to all the everyone & Cinderella waved back & blew her a kiss. Thrilled her to death! That's all she talked about for 3 months. She still brings it up every now & then.

Jkath, here's a nice steaming cup of Columbian supreme.
Oh thank you Crewsk - it's just what I needed this morning! I haven't even gone to the gym yet - (I try to go between 6 and 7 while everyone's still asleep here). I'll have to go later while the little one is at VBS.
Well, it's 7 now, so it's time to wake up the h, bring him his coffee and iron his suit for the day. Chat later :)
good morning, alix. morning, jkath. morning, crewsk.
crewsk, you made me smile. when i was little, Goofy came up and kissed me on the cheek at disney world during this stage show and i chattered about it for a good week. when we returned, i kept fervently hoping that he'd smooch me again.
Awww..... how sweet luvs! My only close-up experience with anyone from Disney was with a guy on stilts in one of the parades. I was 16 & he made a pass at me. It freaked me out because I couldn't see his face.
wore out pa. i'm working an 8 day week. today will be day 7.
loooooong days. nights are too short and i haven't been
sleeping good, so it's catching up to me.
wow, middie... 8 day week. i haven't had a job in my life so i don't know what it's like, but it's gotta be exhausting. i volunteered some, but that was enough for me! that plumb wore me out!
i need a bowl of cereal. is there any boo-berry?
crewsk said:
Awww..... how sweet luvs! My only close-up experience with anyone from Disney was with a guy on stilts in one of the parades. I was 16 & he made a pass at me. It freaked me out because I couldn't see his face.

When I was around 18, my sis and I were taking a photo with Captain Hook and he goosed me!

Luvs, here's your Boo-berry, and I used cream instead of milk. I also put fresh peach slices on top - makes it even better.

Well, I'm off to drop the little one at VBS and then it's time for the gym.
See ya later!:)
Morning, gang. Anybody have cinnamon rolls and eggs over easy? A white chocolate mocha would be nice, too! In real life we had carrot apple juice for brekkers, but I can dream...
thanks for the cereal, jkath. i always put cream in my cold cereal or on my hot cereal. so much better than plain 'ol milk.
delicious, i say!
gotta go for a few minutes. gotta call my bank.
well, that was easy. only took 2 minutes to get my questions answered by the bank.
hi, thier. here, a nice meal of eggs, cinnamon rolls, and a white chocolate mocha.
really sad news, guys. my little kitty, 'fe, has to be put to sleep tomorrow. her heart is failing. she's only 4 years old. she would've been 5, here.
when my family first let me know i just crumbled and wept, but now i'm so much in shock that i can't even cry anymore. i love her just as much as i love the human beings in my family.
the vet wanted to put her down right away, but my Mom said my Brother said something like, 'uh-uh. that's NOT gonna happen. my little sister will FLIP on you guys if she doesn't get to say good-bye.'
****ed straight, i would've flipped on 'em.
i bought her a pink and purple little cat-sized pillow to lay her head on when we bury her. got a pink fuzzy picture frame, too. gotta go get a recieving blanket to have them wrap her in before they hand her to me.
i'm devestated. just sick over it. but she's in pain, and she can hardly breathe.
she's on lasix now to ease the edema, but she's still struggling.
they said she'll go very peacefully.
there's a picture of her in the gallery.http://www.discusscooking.com/gallery/showimage.php?i=75&catid=member&imageuser=1469
my sweet little angel.:cry:
i'm gonna miss her so much.
Luvs: Thank you for the breakfast, and what a shame that that darling kitty is going to leave you. Our animals are brave little souls and never complain, and it's so often a surpirse when we have to say good-bye. You will be in my prayers.
Hello ALL i just unloaded a truck load of fresh sea food in the locker so feel free to have at it. Sushi is waiting for a ear wax job and a flobee haircut. SO I need 2- # 57 to go and 2 big gulp iced teas. Thanks Luvs and Jkath for taking care of things:) . Heres a bonus for you both!
Well, it looks like I'm in charge of the #57s for you, Maid. Here they are: Two calamari plates with creamed cottage cheese, celery seed rolls spread with clotted cream and coffee ice cream with caramel sauce. Enjoy! Glad Sushi's getting that ear wax problem taken care of. We were all hoping that would happen. The Flobee cut is a good idea...This would be a good time to go ahead and pluck the unibrow as well...
pretty empty here this afternoon. guess i'll take the aprons to the cleaners and take an inventory of the fridges and pantry.
but not before i have a snack.:-p
~popping bread into toaster and opening opening coors light.~
ahhhhhhhhhh, lovely!
whoa! Not a soul in site...what's going on?
Oh well, at least I picked up the aprons from the cleaners.

Hmmm....what to snack on ....what to snack on.....
<<checking fridge and cupboards>>
Ah ha! A toasted blueberry bagel with lemon curd inside!

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