Do You Enter Cooking Contests?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Mar 1, 2002
Boston and Cape Cod
If so, care to share some details?

I entered 20 recipes in the Philly Cream Cheese Dip contest last August, but since no check has come inthe mail or delivered like the Publisher's Clearinghouse People, I assume that I did not win.:(

I also entered a Cooks Country magazine contest (they have one in every issue) for chicken soup. I entered my Thai Chicken Soup.

On the TV Food Network I saw a show about the National Chicken Contest and am trying to perfect a chicken recipe for that. I am working with both chicken stuffed with arugula and a yucatan chicken thingie.
I've entered mainly culinary competitions, but only a few recipe contests. The difference is that for culinary competions, it's like Iron Chef style where you get a set of ingredients to use, you don't just send in a recipe and hope that the people testing the recipes will pull it off correctly.

I've done a couple of contests where you send in a recipe and they select which ones sound the most appealing and then you have to go in and prepare it yourself against the other contestants in different categories. For those types of contests one needs to find out and research who the judges are because for one of the contests I entered, almost every winner of every category used either cream cheese, sour cream, or a lot of mayo in their dishes. So depending on the demographic of the judges, your dish could be hit or miss.

If one could win just for the recipe, that would be fine, but I wouldn't want to go somewhere and have to make it.
I'm nothing special, I wouldn't have a chance in a serious competition. I won a cooking contest on a forum once, but it was just for fun. We had to shape the food in the forum's name. I think I made quiche.

We should have cooking contests on here, by showing pictures of what we made for dinner. We could only judge on the presentation, but still, it would be fun.
biev said:
I'm nothing special, I wouldn't have a chance in a serious competition. I won a cooking contest on a forum once, but it was just for fun. We had to shape the food in the forum's name. I think I made quiche.

We should have cooking contests on here, by showing pictures of what we made for dinner. We could only judge on the presentation, but still, it would be fun.

Yikes, some of my stuff looks a fright but tastes good!

That's an interesting idea, though.
biev said:
We should have cooking contests on here, by showing pictures of what we made for dinner. We could only judge on the presentation, but still, it would be fun.

That would be a fun idea, but everyone would have to use the same main ingredient, be it salmon, veal, etc.
I've often thought about sending recipes into Taste of Home, but never get around to it. Most of my cooking isn't really that original...what makes it good is the tasting and seasoning, and you can't really put that in a recipe.
Food to me is not about competition. Yes, I like getting new ideas and new ways of doing things, but the important bottom line is about having a bunch of folks sitting around your table (or campfire, or whatever) chowing down on something that tastes good and gives you something to do with your hands while you are enjoying the fine company that has assembled.
since I'm in the apologizing mode, I hope nobody thought I was putting down entering contests with my post above. what I meant was that contests are not for me. But you guys go ahead, and I'll be one of your biggest cheerleaders.
I would love for my husband to enter some of his recipes. He could also do the whole Iron Chef style compitition as well.
Me, on the other hand, not so much. I follow recipes and they still don't come out!
I never joined a contest like this, but I did make the best meal in our local kids cooking classes (about 20 years ago...) The prize was a trofee made out of paper and a gold chef-medal (well it was actually made from plastic but it did look like real gold at the time :LOL:)
I entered one and never heard from them either.BTW,I am new here,my name is Gloria,I am married and live in Trinity Florida.
I have done alot of local and east coast chef salons. I used to really get off on it, but the after hours scene really took its toll. I used to love the friendly compitition and the different things people would do. I haven't done it in 3 years or so, but would LOVE to do it again.
Welcome, Gloria. You may want to introduce yourself in the greetings and introduction forum. We would all like to know you. I'm a Floridian also, but I haven't heard of Trininty, Florida.
yep, i did give my tuna steak recipe. i won. i got a cookbook & some pride.
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Hey, everybody. I am a new member to the forum and would like to find anyone who can help me with chili cook off rules - Memphis in May stuff. I know you probably are all thinking, "Oh no, not another Emeril-wanna-be!" Guess again!
I am a soon-to-be retire teacher whose son is a meat market manager for a large grocery chain that begins with Kro and ends with ger.
I want to know what a chili consists of according to standard rules. So far, I have not found this info online.
Welcome aboard, Pat.

Have you checked the Memphis in May website? The rules might be posted there.
Pat, unless they've changed it recently, MIM has always been about BBQ! That's not to say no other organization in Memphis puts a chili cookoff on, but not that I've heard of. Maybe local Memphians Chef Jimmy or Sharon T could advise about that.

I believe there's a famous chili cookoff in Terlingua, TX (Texan DC-ers please confirm) and probably loads of other places as well.
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