Do you 'really' enjoy this time of year?

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I feel like a bit of a loner, after reading this thread - I actually really enjoy this time of year. :ermm::pig:
Oh my gosh, don't feel like a loner. I am so happy for you that you love it. I only wanted to know if I was alone in my thoughts about this time of year. It's comforting knowing others are stressed too is all.
I'm not stressed, I just hate this time of year. All those trees cut down for no reason left to die for a couple weeks of stinking up the house. The fighting over scraps at the sale table. The lights the neighbors won't turn off so you can sleep. And the political correctness angle of having to be nice to the woman who moved in with your father under false pretenses. I really hate all holidays that involve dealing with my family, I don't just hate Christmas.

If I was the one going to my aunt's ski lodge rather than my father and that woman coming to my house, I might feel differently, but as of now, I really hate December.
Christmas has always meant church for us. The advent wreaths and hymns and special music is what helps me get through the season. It helps keep me focused on the true meaning. After my mother passed away 4 years ago, I find I spend less time stressing about stuff. If it doesn't get done, oh well (consequently no cards sent the past 2 years!). This year is my turn to host my family celebration but we will have it on the 30th. My kids and hubby and I will celebrate Christmas eve by going to church then in the AM will open gifts. We usually find a new DVD and watch a movie together before my oldest goes to work at the restaurant. The rest of us go have dinner with him cooking for us that evening. The part I hate is driving the 10 hours to visit my in-laws. Last year was the first year we didn't go at all. It was so nice. But MIL's BD is Dec.28th and she is turning 80 this year so must make an appearance.
I LOVE the Christmas season! I am one of the world's biggest kids at Christmas! The special programs at church, the bright and colorful Christmas displays, the decorated trees, looking for just the perfect gift for everyone (or dreaming of the perfect gifts when we can't afford anything). Even the last two Christmases when we could only afford one small meal a day and those meals weren't very big, I love Christmas! I know some people say that people are crabbier this time of year, but I have never seen that. Everywhere I go, people are more cheerful and giving (yes, some are stressed and it shows, but even the stressed out ones I see are still cheerful for the most part). But when it is all said and done, I am the most happy when I stop to remind myself of the true meaning of Christmas. Even when I am stressed that brings me peace.

I am wishing you all a very "Merry Christmas" early, whatever it may be. Katie E, your day sounds wonderful, Bless you both !
Barb L.

I love it...all of it....every song, party, card, cookie, friends, family, gifts, giving.
Assuming you're talking about Christmas, it sure isn't what it used to be. Namely a very special time of the year when there was no talk of getting away. It used to be a time for families to put aside their daily woes and join together in a celebration, when people became more civil towards each other, and even during wartime for nations to call a truce to celebrate a special holiday. There was a time when I wondered why Christmas couldn't be celebrated many many times per year.
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Christmas has always been a big fight in our family... as a child of divorced parents... now add Paul's family into the mix and it gets quite stressful. We've always had to drive for hours and then "deal" with my family and drive more hours to have fun with his.... a few years ago we started doing X-mas with his family one year and Thanksgiving with mine switching the next year so that my Mom gets x-mas everyother year ( according to her it only counts if we are there to celebrate on December 25th. One day early or late and it doesn't count. She doesn't get her Christmas! She's quite a pain about it.

This year however
I put my foot down!!! I'm having Christmas at my house. I get to be the mom and plan the menu and do the decorating and be in charge. It's much nicer and so far (even though there have been pleanty of complaints) I'm liking it much better!! : )
:)I have until this year always worked on Christmas.I dont get excited about it much.I just think the media has over hyped it.I think its nice to give gifts but I do that all year round just because.Over loading the kids with gifts is something I dont think should happen just because its Christmas.Too much money spent on things people neither want nor need.It would be nice if everybody took some of the overkill spent on Christmas and donate to a worthy cause for people that have nothing.You could buy a goat or cow or sewing machine etc for someone in a third world country.Something that small literally can change their lives fot the better.
My fiancee and I go to Indiana University together, I'm just finishing my undergrad in a couple of weeks and she's about to start grad school. Ironically, we both come from the same neighborhood, and in HS we lived about 3 blocks away. It's fortunate for us that we can at least go home to the same town every holiday. However, we both hold jobs, and so when we get home it's usually for 3 days max. The entire time home is spent driving. And it seems like every x-mas after we get back to Bloomington, we swear we'll never go home for x-mas again, that it's just too stressful and too much work. Every year though, we just duck our heads and push through it. We hate that it has to be that way, and my dad and stepmom make the holidays easier by scheduling their festivites around our schedule, but it's still a hassle to visit my dad, my mom, my grandparents, her parents, her extended family... usually all on the same day, and everywhere we go people complain that we can't stay longer. We wonder why we continue to go home even though all we hear the whole trip is that we never stay home long enough.
Tell them the road goes in both directions!!! Not that our families ever listen to that.
Christmas has always been a big fight in our family... as a child of divorced parents... now add Paul's family into the mix and it gets quite stressful. We've always had to drive for hours and then "deal" with my family and drive more hours to have fun with his.... a few years ago we started doing X-mas with his family one year and Thanksgiving with mine switching the next year so that my Mom gets x-mas everyother year ( according to her it only counts if we are there to celebrate on December 25th. One day early or late and it doesn't count. She doesn't get her Christmas! She's quite a pain about it.

This year however
I put my foot down!!! I'm having Christmas at my house. I get to be the mom and plan the menu and do the decorating and be in charge. It's much nicer and so far (even though there have been pleanty of complaints) I'm liking it much better!! : )

I'm so glad you worked this out, pdswife! I found myself feeling pushed and pulled from many different directions to the point that I dreaded this time of year and felt exhausted afterward. Then I realized that it wasn't that I had lost the meaning and joy of Christmas - there just wasn't any time left over for it!!! So 8 years ago, I told everyone how much I loved them and invited them to come and visit the week before or the week after but told them we would be having our Christmas at home so that we could truly focus on what it should be.

Then I told everyone very early the next year that I wanted to stop Christmas gift exchanging from then on. I explained that I have 7 children and it's unfair to expect others to buy for so many and that also, we are fortunate to have all that we need and most of what we want so we'd prefer no one buy gifts for us. Just call or visit or come for coffee or send us great wishes. I told them we would be selecting a needy person or family in our city and we would be providing gifts for them. The card always reads from our family and all our friends and relatives.

There were complaints about our new Christmas arrangements for a couple of years but then, I started to get positive comments from relatives. They said they love me and the children and appreciate that I don't want or expect Christmas gifts or anything else, just their love. My friends have always told me how much they appreciate our low-maintenance friendship. And my children get to have a lovely Christmas at home and the pleasure of playing Santa to someone in need. It's worked out great for all of us!

Oh, and like most of you, I love to give gifts and I do it year round. I just don't feel like I have to do it all on one day of the year anymore!:)
Barbara L, I think you and I could be sisters concerning Christmas. I, too, love the church programs and could listen to Christmas music and the story of the birth of the Christ child over and over. I realize it will never be the same as it was years ago when my children were small and at home and also my father was living, but also things have moved on. I have grandchildren that are a joy even if they never remember to send thank yous. They do tell us. Even Charlie, the one just turned 4 is such a big part of our life. I tell him "Charlie, I love you". He says "you sure do" and that is worth everything to know that they realize they are loved. I do find myself remembering Christmas in the past, but I suppose most people relive those times over and over - some sad, some sweet.
As a child, I loved that Christmas was coming. We attended church on a VERY regular basis and now, not so much if at all. We can't agree on one. Love the music, love the presentation, love the songs and the singers, the decorations. It was always something so very special.

God is no less in my life, and sorry if that's no okay to say. True though. Just wish it was more about Him than everything else.

I loved reading all these comments as we do all have much in common. Thanks to all of you for dropping notes on the subject.
like almost everything else in life, it's what you make of it.

you really can make it a merry christmas (and happy hannukah. i've got a little gb on my shoulder after one of his holiday posts a long time ago ;)) for someone, if you should so wish it to be.

materialism and selfishness go hand in hand.

umm, here's your soapbox back. i need to go shopping. :cool:
I dont like it either. Dont need the holiday to be nice and caring for others, should be done year round. All I see it as is a BIG Bday party for the kids. This year we are doing things a little different and buying family type gifts, in the long run it will be enjoyed much more by everyone and be a great bonding time for us all!

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