Dog meat anyone?

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
I just got done reading that eating dog meat is common in the orient. No doubt it disgusts many people including my sister who is a dog lover. I wonder how it tastes. Anyone ever eat dog meat? If times get tough with hunger maybe______. But I can't see it happening.
If someone is desperate, I can see them eating it, but I can't imagine ever being that desperate. A lot of things I could forage for, that I would eat first.

It is my understanding that Chows were originally bred in China for food. Hence Asians eat/ate dog food.

A town where I lived in Quebec was big time 'horsey' country. You could also buy horse meat in the local (big box) grocers.

Go figure.
Dogs are carnivores. Carnivores do not have the best tasting flesh. I would only eat dog meat in desperation circumstances.
Dog meat is common in South Korea, guinea pigs are cooked and eaten in Ecuador and Peru, tortoise is eaten in Venezuela and horsemeat is commonly found on menus in Belgium and France.
Dog food, however, is not.
Just seen this on Facebook though it fit here. FB_IMG_1649621963975.jpg
Wild canines are carnivorous. Domestic dogs regularly eat veggies and grains, flavored with meat juices. Domestic dogs are omnivores. Bears are omnivores and taste delicious. I can see how dog could taste great. But I don't see myself eating it. I've had tooo many pets dogs that I cherished.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
Hard nope!

If dog and other uncommon-to-me meats were the only meats available, that would be the day I decided to be vegetarian. Lacto-ovo, since I really like my eggs and cheese and yogurt and cream...
I'll admit, I did it. But I did not know. OI had Korean friends in college. Unfortunately there are a lot of stray dogs, there were during soviet years and still even now. My daughter visited Ukraine, last winter, she was surprised how many dogs rom the streets.
As far as taste, It was some 40 + years ago, I do not remember. But I also do not remember being bad.
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