Efficient use of kitchen cabinets

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Executive Chef
Nov 11, 2004
I don't have a problem with the size of my kitchen, but I do have a problem with the efficiency of it. Part of it may be due to the way I store things. How should the proper kitchen be set up for utmost use of it? I store no food in my kitchen except what has been opened, so space isn't the problem. I think I've managed very poorly in the execution of the space. Any ideas and answers would be appreciated. I would like my space to be such that I never dread to prepare whatever meal is necessary.

Hard to say without knowing what you've done. Tell us more or post some pics.

I have little in the way of cabinet space so I have two other locations where I keep kitchen stuff. The cabinets in the kitchen are for the things I use the most.
Yeah I agree with Andy. Without seeing what you are working with it will be very hard to say how you can do it better.

Here is something I did when I moved into this house. I put things where I felt they should go initially. Then after a few months of cooking in the kitchen I took everything out and re-did it. At that point I had a better idea of what things I used the most and where in the kitchen I used them. Things that were not used frequently went in the hard to reach cabinets and things I used every day were in very prominent spots.
Yeah, it is my bigest problem. I am very disorganised. :(

There are stores (in our area, at least) that sell all kind of organisational help material. Everything starting with shelf paper and shelves and other improvenments you can do to your kitchen, closet, etc. but also you can get good advise in place like that. They are not cheap though.
DH has added pull out shelving to my cabinets so things stored there are easier to reach. I have one cabinet, a corner wall cabinet with about a 15' opening but is probably about twice that in the back that defies logic in getting sufficient use of it. I'm wondering if they even make that kind of cabinet still. It is overhead of a corner cabinet with a lazy susan type, which I have no problem with. I'm thinking I need to get rid of some things. With as much cabinet space as I have and a pantry almost the size of the kitchen, it seems to be the only solution. I'd like my baking things to be so that all of it is at hand if I decide to make something quickly. I find myself never making a cake from scratch anymore because it is difficult. I think I need an island, but that would probably just keep me from ridding myself of things I don't really need.Perhaps I need to hire one of those organizer people to help me.
GB said:
Yeah I agree with Andy. Without seeing what you are working with it will be very hard to say how you can do it better.

Here is something I did when I moved into this house. I put things where I felt they should go initially. Then after a few months of cooking in the kitchen I took everything out and re-did it. At that point I had a better idea of what things I used the most and where in the kitchen I used them. Things that were not used frequently went in the hard to reach cabinets and things I used every day were in very prominent spots.
I should do that. I've been here 4 years and I really need to rethink where I have stuff.
I've been in my first house now for a little over a year. The only place I've ever lived, on my own, that had a bigger kitchen, was my first apartment. The kitchen was about the same size, but I had approximately twice the cabinet/shelf space that I currently have.

I've lived in some apartments with really tiny kitchens. I lived in a house with a really tiny kitchen. I don't like it, but I learned.

You have to prioritize your equipement, and maybe groceries. What do you use every day? What do you use every couple of days, or maybe once a week? What you use you maybe once a month? Is there anything that you only use at certain times of the year?

Things that I use every day get stored in prominent locations ON THE COUNTER. Coffee maker, cutting boards, etc. Some pots and pans, that usually get used every day, or every other day, get stored on the stovetop. I only store a pan there if it's clean.

I have a pan-storage drawer built in to my oven. I keep most of my pots nested together in that drawer, with the largest, a 22 qt stockpot, on the bottom, then a 16 qt pot, a 12 qt pot and so on, until finally, I have a 1 qt saucepan on top. As luck would have it, I usually use the smaller saucepans and 12 qt pot practically every day, or every other day, so that works would quite well, with me only breaking out the big boys when I'm making stock.

Same thing with cabinets. I keep what gets used constantly within easy reach. I have overheard cabinets that go all the way to the ceiling, with the top levels being reserved for stuff I rarely use, as I have to use a step-stool to get to them (I'm short). I also have a storage cabinet over the basement stairs. That stairway is just behind my stove, so I do tend to keep some things in there, like cereal, vinegar, etc.

I'm not even going to go into my pantry. That thing is huge.

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