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In the Kitchen

Executive Chef
Aug 25, 2004
The letters EMT stand for Emergency Medical Technician. I have one son who is taking classes. They are very strict. I don't have clue why he feels so strong about continuing to renew his license. To me, I would be in fear of mistakes that people would say I did. However, that is me not him. He had hopes of becoming a doctor but when I went through divorce those dreams stopped. I have always felt this is some form of connection that he wants to keep. How do you all feel about EMT people? Don't you worry they won't know what to do? I don't even trust the doctor I have that is why I put my life in a higher power. I only hope my children do not make serious mistakes, like someone's life in their hands.
The EMTs have saved my life on several occasions (asthma). I know how much they have to study and how difficult the exams are plus I know several people who went on to become doctors.

I admire and respect them, very much. I'm grateful they are they to take care of people at the scene of a problem and have the knowledge to work on patients on the way to the hospital.

My boys have been in accidents and thank God that the EMTs could be there within minutes. I think you have a wonderful son who wants to learn to serve the community by saving lives.
I think that your son is helping people and that's a great thing to want to do.
I also think that where there's a will there's a way and if he wants to be a dr. he shouldn't give up on his dream. It might be a lot harder but nothing is impossible. Good luck. :)
Buck and I have the utmost respect for EMTs. Even though we live in a small, rural area, our EMTs are some of the most highly trained in the state. They are continuously learning and keeping themselves abreast of the best and most recent techniques, etc. I wouldn't hesitate one minute to trust them with my life.

When it comes to an EMT making a mistake and being blamed for it, unfortunately I think some of that mindset is spawned by our country's obsession with lawsuits. As Paul Harvey says, we've become a country of "sewers," which is a shame. Yes, mistakes do happen. They also happen in the world of education, engineering, sales, just name an industry. I can see your point because EMTs jobs require working within the world of life and that can be scary.

I say this after coming from a medical background myself. My father was a physician (read that country doctor) and my mother was a nurse. I, too, spent several years doing floor work in our local hospital.

As for your son pursuing a career in medicine, perhaps his dream of becoming a doctor has not been derailed. He may be able to use his time and experience as an EMT as a foundation on which to build his life's work in medicine. You don't say how old he is, but it's never really too late at any age to follow your dream.

I'm sorry you don't trust your own physician. I have been blessed all my life to have, in my estimation, the best doctors ever.

Best of luck to your son. And, chin up, wouldn't it be wonderful if he did become a doctor and became the one to find the cure for a dreaded disease? The sky's the limit!:)

An EMT saved my life. I have a lot of respect for what they do and the difficult conditions under which they have to work.
People make mistakes. That is going to happen no matter how good they are. The EMT's are doing great things though. The save so many lifes, just as doctors do. They are doing very important work!
My nephew is a first-responder fireman and EMT - I have seen him on TV in some of the Chicago "incidents" that get national coverage.

I am very proud of him. This is your son's passion and he needs to know you are behind him - not questioning him.

My nephew made his mother's last days comfortable and tolerable. If it weren't for him she would have had a very difficult time. He made sure meds were given ON time and upped when necessary and when told "we can't give that much" he demanded the doctor be contacted.
First I have to say if you don't trust your doctor then you should be in search of another as you should feel comfortable with the doctor himself. Doesn't matter how long you have been in someones care....if you don't feel secure then you need to go somewhere else and keep going till you find one thats right for you.

As for your son. I am extremely proud of him for choosing such an honorable job. I think its great that he loves it enought to go back and renew his license and take the stress involved in reviewing his skills. Do I worry an EMT will make a mistake? We're human and we all make mistakes..........mistakes are learning blocks.

I hope you let your son know how important his job is to others that people depend on him and that your extremely proud of him for choosing this type of profession.

As you know I'm a nurse and being an EMT is something that I personally would not consider ever being. Why you ask? Because of the situations I'd be faced with. Granted I am faced with many situations that break my heart but I can't even imagine having to deal with car accidents, fires, etc.... Just think of all that he has or could possibly encounter in this line of work.....thats why you should be honored to be the mother of an EMT of a son that is putting himself in situations many would run from. Help him succeed with your love and support.
I asboslutey trust EMT, nurses, doctors, etc. For the most part, they spend the better part of their lives increasing their knowledge to serve you better.
When the time comes, I want someone who knows what they need to do to help a situation. To me, that means a flesh and blood person who cares.
:huh: Your son is an EMT??? That's a wonderful thing! You should be so proud of him! I've got friends who are EMT's and I have so much respect for them - they are out there in the trenches saving lives and making a difference. That he wants to continue to keep his licensing current is a sign that he is dedicated - and the path to becoming a Doctor is still open to him. There are many ways that he can get there.

If you don't trust your doctor you absolutely should find a new one. It is so very important that you have trust in the doctor you see. That's the only way you can build a relationship with him/her that allows you the comfort to really talk about your concerns. :)

I, too, put a lot of trust in a higher power - but I want my physician, my oncologist, my surgeon, and their staff's on my side while I take this journey I'm on. :):)
I just recently passed the national registry test and I am now certified as an EMT-B, I am currently testing for the Phoenix fire department as well. I have two uncles and a cousin that are already on with the department. Growing up (im 24 now) I saw the type of people that my uncles were and aspired to be like them. Every day they go to work hoping for the opportunity to save someones life. I would call it the ultimate "customer service" position considering you sometimes have the opportunity to save the customers life. :)
NEVER Disappointed

When I open up what is highest in my heart, it never ever fails that I get such support. It does humble me to hear the words you give to encourage him. I only hope he will take the time to read this. He is not one for receiving compliments or encouragement. He feels he has made his decision and it is his life. Evidently he wants to help others in this way. Giving to another person is what we are supposed to do.

I am thankful you all know what he will have to expect. I only know I try to protect him as much as any mother would. I appreciate your thoughts and I do thank you for helping me to accept his goal. As you have said, maybe his dreams are not impossible. We all have to hope tomorrow is a brighter day. I truly value your comments about all things in my life. Bless you all with the same respect and love you have given me. When it comes to one of your own you hope their choices are all right. Thanks
The EMT's have been great for me when I would have a Panic Attack. I called and they came right over.

Your son sounds like a wonderful person and I think it is a great that he is continuing with his studies.
My husband is an EMT and firefighter for the city of Bellingham. I've heard him say several times that it's the best job in the world. My mom has been a nurse in the ER for over 25 years and my stepdad is a doctor in the ER and has been for over 35 years.

I think it takes a certain kind of person to have a job like that. You need to be able to make fast decisions and work under extreme pressure. I also think it takes a certain degree of detachment. My husband, mom and stepdad all leave their work at work. My husband has seen some pretty horrible, wierd and fantastic things but after all that he still says it's the best job. It's very rewarding and I am so proud of the work he does.

Best of luck to your son!
I think you should have faith in your son, not question his abilities, i would be proud, not thinking my son is going to screw up. You said "i don't even trust my doctor, thats why i put my life in a higher power" If you really feel that way, don't you think you sons life is in a higher power as well? and if something bad is not supposed to happen, it won't?
EMT's are a great bunch of people. They are the first responders and are the Dr's eyes and ears before they get to the hospital, and somehow manage to keep seriously injured people alive until they DO reach the hospital ER. It could also be a stepping stone for your son on his way to being a Dr. One of our ER Doctor's started out as an EMT, liked what he saw and went back to school and is now one of our ER Physicians. I have great respect for what they do. I'm an X-Ray Technologist who works the graveyard shift (11pm to 7:30am), so I see a lot when it comes to what our EMT's do. Watch 'The Critical Hour' on Discovery Health (if you get the channel) and you'll get an example of what all they do.
EMT are a very distinguished group in my book. I have a few friends that are emt's and it never ceases to amaze me. Every call is different, and you NEVER know what to really expect. I give kudos to ANYONE that is a public servent, especially when a life is on the lines.
I have complete faith in EMTs, and I have so much admiration for them. They're brave people who go into dangerous situations and remain calm, thinking only about the patient and his well being. Your son must be a wonderful person to want to help others in need.

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