Food As Gifts

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
I know this topic has been discussed here at DC, but all the threads that I found were really old, so, if I may...

The holiday season is fast approaching and this is when I start to think about what I want to give folks. I prefer to make things myself, rather than buy 'things'; my Mother taught me that it means much more.

My husband and I are going visiting to my Mother's home in California, and then to our very dear friends on the trip back into Arizona. I can many things for my Mom through out the year, when certain produce are in season, ie Meyer Lemons, Rhubarb, Green Beans, etc.

Yesterday I made a recipe of Rum Cake and baked them off in 2 half-sized bundt pans. One for Mom and one for Mrs. DF.
I woke with a start this morning! DH had gotten up long before me and I was in a panic!

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I had wrapped the cakes up in cellophane bags, all pretty like, and left them on the kitchen counter, there best on the 2nd or even 3rd day, and intended to put them in the deep freeze until we leave for our trek.
I just KNEW that my husband was going to break into one of them and have that for his breakfast, he had been begging for a piece last night, DENIED!
I'm so proud of him for his restraint :LOL:

What's up your sleeve?
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I did this last year, and I'm thinking of doing a few again this year.
I made up a spice blend; my Mother gave me a case of jars, so I and filled them up and put them in small cellophane gift bags with a small bottle of Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar. For the non-cooks that I know, I added a recipe card with a serving suggestion, it was very nice as a dipper for warm, crusty bread :yum:
Beautiful looking gifts, kgirl! I'm sure they are very appreciated!

I like doing up foodie gifts too, but I only have a small circle of family left to holiday gift - my 2 daughters, SIL's, and my brother. I don't can, and I don't bake very much, except for a few neighbors for exchanges.

My bachelor brother gets several vacuum sealed freezer bags of pulled pork and sliced meatloaf - he loves that and really appreciates it. My daughters and SILs love the whole roasted spiced pecans I made several years ago, so those are kind of a tradition they enjoy. The 6 grandkids get clothes and books - both daughters have said no toys. Last year I made big soft blankets for all of them. :)

A couple of neighbors and I exchange foodie gifts, so I do make cookies or several small loaves of apple cake, or cranberry muffins etc. for them, and for unexpected gift exchanges. One dear neighbor always gives me a big tray of homemade cookies and candies, and there is always peppermint bark included. Everything on the tray always tastes pepperminty by the time I get them, but I love them anyway. :wub: I just love sharing and getting together with loved ones most of all.
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Great idea for a thread Kgirl. I'm looking forward to more ideas.

I'm thinking pesto. I have some basil that's growing up a storm. Then I trimmed it and put some in water. I have four stems with good roots now. I'm also thinking pistou (basically pesto with no nuts) for my friend who has a serious nut allergy.
I'm not sure if I've talked about this here at DC before,
but when I was a kid growing up in Hawaii, money was
tight as it was for many of us. My Mother got us kids
to make Gift Certificates for our relatives as gifts.
One free car wash, one free foot massage, etc.
I've carried this idea forward for my husband,
and I make up Food Certificates for him to redeem
"with advance reservations only".
He says that I don't make him his favorite dishes enough,
so, he gets a booklet in his stocking each year full of all his
most loved food items.
December 2012 006.jpg
[file photo]
Most recently, he had his hands behind his back
and came in the room with this big smile on his face...
"can you please make this for me?"
and pulled out his Chocolate chip cookies certificate :heart:
how sweet is he?
Since I no longer do the holidays at my home, I make a Christmas Wreath cake using Hershey's Chocolate Chocolatety recipe for wherever I will be eating the holiday meal.

But for gifts, in this family it is the Cheesecake that likes to take center stage. My grandson loves Borden's Eagle Brand Chocolate Chip Cheesecake. My SIL loves the pumpkin one. I use ginger snap cookies for the crust instead of the standard graham crackers.

I have often seen the look of "Huh?" on the cashiers face when I am checking out in November and December. Four doz. eggs, 20 lbs. sugar, eight blocks of cream cheese, etc.

I do differentiate between a baked goodie for the meal and one for the family to enjoy after by themselves. My grandson does not share his chocolate chip cheesecake with anyone. Last year he reached an agreement with his father. I will swap one piece of my cheesecake for one slice of your pumpkin. I have two large spring form pans and one small one. I have the feeling that I am going to need a second small one.

Food gifts are always a welcome item in any home. Kaneohegirlinaz has given me an idea for this year. I have about ten pint jars left over from when I put up some peaches. I have been wondering what I could use them for. Over in the North End of Boston, you can buy in bulk, herbs from a bin. With a yard of checkered cloth cut into squares and held with raffia, and I am all set. I already have labels from a previous project. Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano, Sage, Basil and Marjoram should make up a nice present of Italian seasoning for a nice pasta dinner. :angel:
Yes! Food as gifts are very nice of the holidays! It is a tradition in Romania. I loved the traditions here also! I made pumpkin breads and sugar cookies and also put little candy canes into gifts under the bows.

When I was in America, I also bought the little buckets and filled them with marshmallows. I said it was a bucket of snowman poop! Ha! But it came with a little gift and they could use the little bucket for as a decoration for anything.

When one has many family who have so many things, it is very good to give food, yes? We do this at home of Christmas. Fruits are very nice also! Cakes and pies and jellies and jams also are very nice. Hickory Farms have some very nice cheeses and meats boxes also. If one doesn't know what one likes, a Hickory Farms box and a good bottle of wine are very nice gifts!

Yes! Food as gifts are very nice of the holidays! It is a tradition in Romania. I loved the traditions here also! I made pumpkin breads and sugar cookies and also put little candy canes into gifts under the bows.

When I was in America, I also bought the little buckets and filled them with marshmallows. I said it was a bucket of snowman poop! Ha! But it came with a little gift and they could use the little bucket for as a decoration for anything.

When one has many family who have so many things, it is very good to give food, yes? We do this at home of Christmas. Fruits are very nice also! Cakes and pies and jellies and jams also are very nice. Hickory Farms have some very nice cheeses and meats boxes also. If one doesn't know what one likes, a Hickory Farms box and a good bottle of wine are very nice gifts!


Food knows no borders nor has any politics. It only knows love! :angel:
Food knows no borders nor has any politics. It only knows love! :angel:

Yes! This is very true!

And also it is best to find out if friends or family has of food allergies yes? It is good to know of these. It is very easy to talk to friends and families of food for one may say "I cannot eat peanuts for I am allergic."

Then when you are preparing for to make something for them you know to be very careful, yes?

Aunty Ileana has a very sensitive stomach, I think it is the IBS here. I cannot make foods for her. But I buy her things which makes her foods look nice, as pretty tableclothes and doilies and placemats. If someone with the food allergies preserves food, canning jars are always a nice gift also, yes?

I must go to bed! It is so late! I shall see to here tomorrow!

Good night and wonderful dreams to all my friends here!
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I did this last year, and I'm thinking of doing a few again this year.
I made up a spice blend; my Mother gave me a case of jars, so I and filled them up and put them in small cellophane gift bags with a small bottle of Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar. For the non-cooks that I know, I added a recipe card with a serving suggestion, it was very nice as a dipper for warm, crusty bread :yum:

I few years back I scoured the internet for recipes that were simple. Soups, breads, salads, etc. Every recipe had to be able to have the ingredients placed in a jar with directions for cooking or putting together.

There were 195 recipes with directions for turning them into gifts total. :angel:
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